Home / Employment


Principal Employment

2008-2012  Chairman, Berkeley Quantitative LLC

2006-now  Professor Emeritus, UC Berkeley

2002-2006  Professor of Graduate School, UC Berkeley

1983-2002  Professor of Mathematics, UC Berkeley (0.5 time)

1989-1990  President, Axcom Trading Advisors (now Rennaisance Technology's "Medallion Fund")

1983-1989  President, Cyclotomics (became Kodak Berkeley Research)

1971-1983  Professor of Mathematics and of EECS, UC Berkeley

1974-1975  Miller Institute Research Professor

1975-1977  Associate Chairman of EECS for Computer Science, UC Berkeley

1966-1971  Member of Technical Staff, Mathematics Research, Bell Telephone Laboratories (now AT&T Shannon Lab and Nokia Bell Labs)

1964-1966  Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, UC Berkeley

Also see Boards.

Visiting Academic Positions

January 2008  Visiting Professor of Mathematics, MIT

1991-1993  Visiting Professor of EECS and Mathematics, MIT

1970 (spring)  Visiting Lecturer at Westfield College, U. London

1969 (spring)  Adjunct Assistant Professor of EE, Princeton

1966 (fall)  Visiting Assistant Professor of Statistics, U. North Carolina

1960-1963  Co-op Student and Summer Employee, Bell Telephone Laboratories

Also see Thesis Students -- outside examiner and Academic Review Boards.