Alan Weinstein 

Professor of the Graduate School


Phone: 510-642-6550
FAX: 510-642-8204
Post: Department of Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley, CA, 94720-3840 USA

Office: 825 Evans Hall 

Photo by Margo Weinstein


Northern California (Berkeley-Davis-Stanford-Santa Cruz) Symplectic Geometry Seminar

First Monday (usually) of each month from October to December and February to May,
        alternately at Berkeley and Stanford.


Poisson Geometry home page
This is a link to websites of the biennial meetings Poisson 2000+2n, where n=0,1,2,...., and a meeting in Warsaw in 1998. There is also a link to "Gone Fishing", a series of annual short workshops on Poisson geometry.


A conversation with Alan Weinstein,  by Henrique Bursztyn and Rui Loja Fernandes. Notices of the American Mathematical Society, January 2023. 

Research papers

Preprint versions of most of my papers written since 1993 can be found on the ArXiv, via this link.   MathSci reviews of my published papers, including links to online versions of many of them may be found here.

Links to some other papers may be found below.
Groupoïdes symplectiques (by A. Coste, P. Dazord, and A Weinstein, appeared in
Publ. Dept. Math. Univ. Claude-Bernard Lyon I, 1987)
Beyond Poisson structures (with T. Courant, appeared in Seminaire sud-rhodanien de geometrie VIII. Travaux en Cours 27, Hermann, Paris (1988), 39-49)
Deformation quantization (from
Seminar Bourbaki, 1994)
Geometry of the transport equation in multicomponent WKB approximations (with C. Emmrich, appeared in
Comm. Math. Phys., 1996)
Lagrangian mechanics and groupoids (appeared in
Mechanics Day, Fields Institute Proc. v. 7, AMS, 1995. You may need to download the file remark.sty to process this file with LaTeX.)
The symplectic structure on moduli space (published in
The Floer Memorial Volume, 1995)
The modular automorphism group of a Poisson manifold (appeared in
Journal of Geometry and Physics)
Tangential deformation quantization and polarized symplectic groupoids (appeared in
Deformation Theory and Symplectic Geometry, S. Gutt, J. Rawnsley, and D. Sternheimer, eds., Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1997)
Poisson geometry  (survey article, appeared in
Diff. Geom. Appl. )
 Self-similarity of Poisson structures on tori  (with K. Mikami, PostScript file, appeared in Banach Center Proceedings)
 Some comments on the history, theory, and applications of symplectic reduction  (with J. Marsden, appeared in proceedings of conference "
Quantization of Singular Symplectic Quotients")


Geometric Models for Noncommutative Algebras, by A. Cannas da Silva and A. Weinstein, was published in 1999 by the American Mathematical Society in the Berkeley Mathematics Lecture Notes series; see the listing at the AMS Bookstore.    The manuscript is also available here in electronic form:  PDF file.  A  list of errata (as of August, 2000) is here: PDF form.

Lectures on the Geometry of Quantization, by S. Bates and A. Weinstein, was published in 1997  in the same series; see the listing at the AMS Bookstore.   The manuscript is also available here in electronic form: PDF file.

Basic Multivariable Calculus, by J.E. Marsden, A.J. Tromba, and A. Weinstein, was published in 1993 by W.A. Freeman and Company and by Springer-Verlag. More information about this book.

Calculus I,II,III, by J.E. Marsden and A. Weinstein, was published in 1985 by Springer-Verlag. Link to online version.

Calculus Unlimited, by J.E. Marsden and A. Weinstein, was published in 1981 by Benjamin/Cummings and is now out of print. More
information about this book (including link to an online version).

Letters from Pavol Severa (1998-2000 )



 From Riemann geometry to Poisson geometry and back again (video of lecture at Chern Symposium, MSRI, March 6, 1998)
Modular classes and the volume of a differentiable stack ("slides" from lecture at
Poisson 2008, EPFL Lausanne, July 7, 2008)

Survey articles written by students.

These articles have been reviewed and rewritten since submission as term papers. They are meant to provide graduate students and researchers with an introduction to topics of current interest in differential geometry.

Survey articles on riemannian geometry from Math 240, Spring 1995.
Survey articles on symplectic geometry from Math 242, Spring 1996.
Survey articles on geometric models for noncommutative algebras (Poisson geometry and quantization) from Math 277, Spring 1997.
Survey articles on symplectic geometry from Math 242, Spring 1999.
Survey articles on riemannian geometry from Math 240, Spring 2000.
Survey articles on momentum mappings from Math 277, Fall 2000.
Survey articles on symplectic geometry from Math 242, Fall 2002.
Survey articles on riemannian geometry from Math 240, Fall 2003.
Survey articles on symplectic geometry from Math 242, Fall 2005.

The following is a master's thesis for which I was a co-supervisor.
The Momentum Map, Symplectic Reduction and an Introduction to Brownian Motion
, Ludovic Pirl, Lausanne, 2010.

The following article was written by a visiting undergraduate student from METU.
A survey of singular reduction, Baris Kartal, 2013.

A summer camp on speedcubing

My grandson Amahl and his friend Larry have created a website about Rubik's cubing. They will have a summer camp on "speedcubing" in July.