import numpy as np import mpmath as mp from mpmath import floor, ceil = 40 def nearestInLattice(basis, pt_given, pt, i=0): # basis is a np array v1..n of a LLL basis of R^n, pt_given and pt are np arrays of floats pt1..n representing pt1 v1 + ..., and i is the number of positions gtd to be integers. need to be given pt_given = pt at start n = len(pt) # print "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", i if i == n: return pt pti = pt[i] if floor(pti) == ceil(pti): return nearestInLattice(basis, pt_given, pt, i+1) ptL = [] ptR = [] for j in range(n): ptL += [pt[j]] ptR += [pt[j]] ptL[i] = floor(pti) ptR[i] = ceil(pti) # print "ptR = ", ptR, "ptL = ", ptL snapL = nearestInLattice(basis, pt_given, ptL, i+1) dL = np.linalg.norm(, basis)) snapR = nearestInLattice(basis, pt_given, ptR, i+1) dR = np.linalg.norm(, basis)) if dL < dR: return snapL return snapR """ basis = np.array([[1,0],[0.2,1]]) pt = np.array([0.49,0.5]) res = nearestInLattice(basis, pt, pt) print "RESULT: ", res """ def proj(u,v): return u*mp.mpf(1)*,v)/,u) def GramSchmidt(basis): # takes in numpy arrays n = len(basis[0]) newBasis = [] for i in range(len(basis)): v = basis[i] s = [0]*n for j in range(i): s += proj(newBasis[j],v) newBasis += [v-s] return newBasis # m = np.array([[3,1],[2,2]]) # print GramSchmidt(m) def u(b,b2,i,j): return mp.mpf(1)*[i],b2[j])/[j],b2[j]) def hand_coded_det(M): n = len(M) assert 1 <= n <= 2, "higher dimensions not supported yet (numerical issues with numpy/mpmath)" if n == 1: return M[0] else: return M[0][0]*M[1][1] - M[0][1]*M[1][0] def LLL(basis, delta=mp.mpf(0.75)): # only definitely will work for integer matrices assert hand_coded_det(basis) != 0, "not a basis!" n = len(basis)-1 b = [] for v in basis: b += [v] b2 = GramSchmidt(b) k = 1 while k <= n: for j in range(k-1,-1,-1): if abs(u(b,b2,k,j)) > 0.5: b[k] = b[k] - round(u(b,b2,k,j))*b[j] b2 = GramSchmidt(b) if[k], b2[k]) >= (delta-u(b,b2,k,k-1)**2)*[k-1], b2[k-1]): k += 1 else: bk = b[k] bk1 = b[k-1] b[k] = bk1 b[k-1] = bk b2 = GramSchmidt(b) k = max(k-1,1) return np.array(b) # M = np.array([[1,1,1],[-1,0,2],[3,5,6]]) # print LLL(M) def LLLfloat(prec, basis, delta=mp.mpf(0.75)): # prec is an integer, will be an exponent b = np.vectorize(int)(np.vectorize(round)((mp.mpf(2)**(1.5*prec))*basis)) return LLL(b,delta)/(mp.mpf(2)**(2*prec)) # M2 = np.array([[1.00003,0.99999,1],[-1,0.00063,2],[2.99998,5.00001,6]]) # print LLLfloat(5,M2)