from math import sqrt, log from sympy.ntheory import factorint from numpy import inf from Ziphi_dict import D import mpmath as mp from mpmath import sqrt phi = (1+sqrt(5))/2 def legendre(a, p): return pow(a, (p - 1) // 2, p) def tonelli(n, p): # from assert legendre(n, p) == 1, "not a square mod p" q = p - 1 s = 0 while q % 2 == 0: q //= 2 s += 1 if s == 1: return pow(n, (p + 1) // 4, p) for z in range(2, p): if p - 1 == legendre(z, p): break c = pow(z, q, p) r = pow(n, (q + 1) // 2, p) t = pow(n, q, p) m = s t2 = 0 while (t - 1) % p != 0: t2 = (t * t) % p for i in range(1, m): if (t2 - 1) % p == 0: break t2 = (t2 * t2) % p b = pow(c, 1 << (m - i - 1), p) r = (r * b) % p c = (b * b) % p t = (t * c) % p m = i return r class Zphi: """ Z[phi]. Functions implemented are: Arithmetic functions: +,*,//,%,**(exponentiation) a.gcd(b) - Compute the greatest common divisor of a and b. a.xgcd(b) - Extended gcd - return gcd(a,b) and x,y such that gcd(a,b)=xa+yb. n.isprime() - Is n prime (pseudoprime tests) n.factor() - Return a factor of n. n.factors() - Return list of the factors of n. Can be created by: n = Zphi(5,7) # Create (5 + 7i) n = Zphi(13) # Create (5 + 0i) """ # Adapted from Robert Campell and Hubert Holin, def __init__(self, a = 0, b = 0): if isinstance(a,Zphi):, self.phi =, a.phi self.isNone = a.isNone else:, self.phi = a, b if isinstance(a, int): self.isNone = False else: # a had better be None self.isNone = True def __str__(self): # Overload string conversion used by print return str( + ((" + "+str(self.phi)) if (self.phi >= 0) else (" - "+str(-self.phi))) + " phi" def __format__(self, spec): # Overload string conversion used by format return str( + ((" + "+str(self.phi)) if (self.phi >= 0) else (" - "+str(-self.phi))) + " phi" def __repr__(self): # Overload conversion used for output # return "Zphi(" + str( + ", " + str(self.phi) + ")" if self.isNone: return "None" elif (self.phi >= 0): return str( + " + " + str(self.phi) + " phi" else: return str( + " - " + str(-self.phi) + " phi" # return str( + ((" + "+str(self.phi)) if (self.phi >= 0) else (" - "+str(-self.phi))) + " phi" def pair(self): return (,self.phi) def float(self): if self.isNone: return 0 return*phi def __eq__(self,other): # Overload the "==" test operator if isinstance(other, int): return == other and self.phi == 0 else: return == and self.phi == other.phi def __ne__(self,other): # Overload the "!=" test operator return not (self == other) """ def neutral_element_for_multiplication(): return __class__(1) """ def conjugate(self): return Zphi( + self.phi, -self.phi) def norm(self): return* +*self.phi - self.phi*self.phi def __pos__(self): # Overload the "+" unary operator return self def add(self,summand): sum_one = + sum_phi = self.phi + summand.phi return Zphi(sum_one, sum_phi) def __add__(self,summand): # Overload the "+" binary operator if isinstance(summand, int): return Zphi(, self.phi) else: return self.add(summand) def __radd__(self,summand): # Overload the "+" binary operator if isinstance(summand, int): return Zphi(, self.phi) else: return self.add(summand) def __iadd__(self,summand): # Overload the "+=" operator self = self + summand return self def __neg__(self): # Overload the "-" unary operator return Zphi(,-self.phi) def __sub__(self,summand): # Overload the "-" binary operator return self.__add__(-summand) def __rsub__(self,summand): # Overload the "-" binary operator if isinstance(summand, int): return Zphi(, -self.phi) elif isinstance(summand, Zphi): # Handle subtraction with another Zphi object return Zphi( -, summand.phi - self.phi) else: # For any other type, return NotImplemented return NotImplemented def __isub__(self,summand): # Overload the "-=" operator self = self - summand return self def mult(self,multip): prod_r = ( * + (self.phi * multip.phi) prod_i = (self.phi * + ( * multip.phi) + (self.phi * multip.phi) return Zphi(prod_r, prod_i) def __mul__(self,multip): # Overload the "*" operator if isinstance(multip, int): return Zphi(*multip, self.phi*multip) else: return self.mult(multip) def __rmul__(self,multip): # Overload the "*" operator if isinstance(multip, int): return Zphi(*multip, self.phi*multip) else: return self.mult(multip) def __imul__(self,multip): # Overload the "*=" operator self = self * multip return self #""" def floordiv(self,divisor): if isinstance(divisor, int): numerator = (-self if (divisor < 0) else self) denominator = (-divisor if (divisor < 0) else divisor) if denominator == 0: raise ZeroDivisionError("{0:s} is null!".format(divisor)) else: numerator = self*divisor.conjugate() denominator = divisor.norm() # Recall that denominator >= 0 if denominator == 0: raise ZeroDivisionError("{0:s} is null!".format(divisor)) candidate_r = candidate_i = numerator.phi//denominator # i.e. (candidate_r+1)* <*denominator if (2*candidate_r+1)*denominator < 2* candidate_r += 1 # i.e. (candidate_i+1)*denominator-numerator.phi < numerator.phi-candidate_i*denominator if (2*candidate_i+1)*denominator < 2*numerator.phi: candidate_i += 1 return Zphi(candidate_r,candidate_i) def __floordiv__(self,divisor): # Overload the "//" operator return self.floordiv(divisor) def __ifloordiv__(self,divisor): # Overload the "//=" operator self = self//divisor return self """ def mod(self,divisor): return self - divisor * (self//divisor) def __mod__(self,divisor): # Overload the "%" operator return self.mod(divisor) def __imod__(self,divisor): # Overload the "%=" operator self = self % divisor return self """ def divmod(self,divisor): q = self//divisor return q, self - divisor * q #""" """ def xgcd(self,other): quot = Zphi() a1 = Zphi(1,0) b1 = Zphi(0,0) a2 = Zphi(0,0) b2 = Zphi(1,0) a = self b = other if(b.norm() > a.norm()): # Need to start with a>b a,b = b,a # Swap a and b a1,b1,a2,b2 = a2,b2,a1,b1 # Swap (a1,b1) with (a2,b2) while (True): quot = a // b a %= b a1 -= quot*a2 b1 -= quot*b2 if (a == Zphi(0,0)): return b, a2, b2 quot = b // a b %= a a2 -= quot*a1 b2 -= quot*b1 if (b == Zphi()): return a, a1, b1 """ """ def Bezout(self, other): a = self b = other if a.norm() < b.norm(): (u, v, pgcd) = b.Bezout(a) return (v, u, pgcd) if b == 0: return (1, 0, a) u_n, u_n_moins_1, v_n, v_n_moins_1 = 0, 1, 1, 0 while b.norm() > 0: q,r = a.divmod(b) u_n_plus_1 = u_n_moins_1 - q*u_n v_n_plus_1 = v_n_moins_1 - q*v_n a, b = b, r u_n_moins_1, u_n, v_n_moins_1, v_n = u_n, u_n_plus_1, v_n, v_n_plus_1 return (u_n_moins_1, v_n_moins_1, a) """ def gcd(self,other): a = self b = other if abs(a.norm()) < abs(b.norm()): return b.gcd(a) while abs(b.norm()) > 0: q,r = a.divmod(b) a,b = b,r return a def maxPower(self,div): x = self*div.conjugate() n = div.norm() if self == 0 or div == 0 or abs(n) == 1: return inf elif == 0 and x.phi%n == 0: return 1 + Zphi(,x.phi/n).maxPower(div) else: return 0 def factor(self): n = abs(self.norm()) fact = factorint(n) d = {} for p in list(fact.keys()): if p == 5: d[(-1,2)] = self.maxPower(Zphi(-1,2)) elif p%5 == 2 or p%5 == 3: d[(p,0)] = self.maxPower(Zphi(p)) else: y = tonelli(5,p) x = (y+1)*(p+1)//2 a = x - Zphi(0,1) q = a.gcd(Zphi(p)) r = q.conjugate() pow_1, pow_2 = self.maxPower(q), self.maxPower(r) if pow_1 > 0: d[q.pair()] = pow_1 if pow_2 > 0: d[r.pair()] = pow_2 return d """ def powmod(self, a_power, a_modulus): # We adapt the Binary Exponentiation algorithm with modulo result = Zphi(1) auxilliary = Zphi(, self.phi) while a_power: if a_power % 2: # If power is odd result = (result * auxilliary) % a_modulus # Divide the power by 2 a_power >>= 1 # Multiply base to itself auxilliary = (auxilliary * auxilliary) % a_modulus return result """ def __pow__(self, a_power): # Overload the "**" operator # We adapt the Binary Exponentiation algorithm (without modulo!) result = Zphi(1) auxilliary = Zphi(, self.phi) while a_power: if a_power % 2: # If power is odd result = result * auxilliary # Divide the power by 2 a_power >>= 1 # Multiply base to itself auxilliary = auxilliary * auxilliary return result """ stopping here to see if the stuff above actually works def isprime(self): # n.isprime() - Test whether the Zphi n is prime using a variety of pseudoprime tests. # Multiply by (1,i,-1,-i) to rotate to first quadrant (similar to abs) if ( < 0): self *= (-1) if (self.phi < 0): self *= Zphi(0,1) # Check some small non-primes if (self in [Zphi(0,0), Zphi(1,0), Zphi(0,1)]): return False # Check some small primes if (self in [Zphi(1,1), Zphi(2,1), Zphi(1,2), Zphi(3,0), Zphi(0,3), Zphi(3,2), Zphi(2,3)]): return True return self.isprimeF(2) and self.isprimeF(3) and self.isprimeF(5) def isprimeF(self,base): # n.isprimeF(base) - Test whether the Zphi n is prime using the Gaussian Integer analogue of the Fermat pseudoprime test. if isinstance(base, Zphi): base = Zphi(base) # Coerce if base not Zphi (works for int or complex) return base.powmod(self.norm()-1,self) == Zphi(1,0) # Note: Possibly more effective would be to use the characterization of primes # in the Gaussian Integers based on the primality of their norm and reducing mod 4. # This depends on the characterization of the ideal class group, and only works for # simple rings of algebraic integers. def factor(self): # n.factor() - Find a prime factor of Gaussian Integer n using a variety of methods. if (self.isprime()): return n for fact in [Zphi(1,1), Zphi(2,1), Zphi(1,2), Zphi(3,0), Zphi(3,2), Zphi(2,3)]: if self%fact == 0: return fact return self.factorPR() # Needs work - no guarantee that a prime factor will be returned def factors(self): # n.factors() - Return a sorted list of the prime factors of Gaussian Integer n. if (self.isprime()): return [self] fact = self.factor() if (fact == 1): return "Unable to factor "+str(n) facts = (self/fact).factors() + fact.factors() return facts def factorPR(self): # TODO: learn and test # n.factorPR() - Find a factor of Gaussian Integer n using the analogue of the Pollard Rho method. # Note: This method will occasionally fail. for slow in [2,3,4,6]: numsteps=2*math.floor(math.sqrt(math.sqrt(self.norm()))); fast=slow; i=1 while i 0 and b > 0: return m else: if b == -(-1)**m * int(round(phi**m/sqrt(5))): return -m else: return None """ for n in range(6): print n, Zphi(0,1)**n, unitDegree(Zphi(0,1)**n) for n in range(1,6): print -n, Zphi(-1,1)**n, unitDegree(Zphi(-1,1)**n) """ class Ziphi: """ Z[i,phi]. Functions implemented are: Arithmetic functions: +,*,//,%,**(exponentiation) a.gcd(b) - Compute the greatest common divisor of a and b. a.xgcd(b) - Extended gcd - return gcd(a,b) and x,y such that gcd(a,b)=xa+yb. """ # Adapted from Robert Campell and Hubert Holin, def __init__(self, a = 0, b = 0, c = 0, d = 0): if isinstance(a,Zphi): if isinstance(b,Zphi):, self.phi, self.i, self.iphi =, a.phi,, b.phi else:, self.phi, self.i, self.iphi =, a.phi, 0, 0 elif isinstance(a,Zphi):, a.phi, a.i, a.iphi else:, self.phi, self.i, self.iphi = int(a), int(b), int(c), int(d) def __str__(self): # Overload string conversion used by print return str( + ((" + "+str(self.phi)) if (self.phi >= 0) else (" - "+str(-self.phi))) + " phi" + ((" + "+str(self.i)) if (self.i >= 0) else (" - "+str(-self.i))) + " i" + ((" + "+str(self.iphi)) if (self.iphi >= 0) else (" - "+str(-self.iphi))) + " i phi" def __format__(self, spec): # Overload string conversion used by format return str( + ((" + "+str(self.phi)) if (self.phi >= 0) else (" - "+str(-self.phi))) + " phi" + ((" + "+str(self.i)) if (self.i >= 0) else (" - "+str(-self.i))) + " i" + ((" + "+str(self.iphi)) if (self.iphi >= 0) else (" - "+str(-self.iphi))) + " i phi" def __repr__(self): # Overload conversion used for output # return "Zphi(" + str( + ", " + str(self.phi) + ")" return str( + ((" + "+str(self.phi)) if (self.phi >= 0) else (" - "+str(-self.phi))) + " phi" + ((" + "+str(self.i)) if (self.i >= 0) else (" - "+str(-self.i))) + " i" + ((" + "+str(self.iphi)) if (self.iphi >= 0) else (" - "+str(-self.iphi))) + " i phi" def tuple(self): return (,self.phi,self.i,self.iphi) def pair(self): return (Zphi(,self.phi),Zphi(self.i,self.iphi)) def __eq__(self,other): # Overload the "==" test operator if isinstance(other, int): return == other and self.phi == 0 and self.i == 0 and self.iphi == 0 else: return == and self.phi == other.phi and self.i == other.i and self.iphi == other.iphi def __ne__(self,other): # Overload the "!=" test operator return not (self == other) """ def neutral_element_for_multiplication(): return __class__(1) """ def rational_conjugate(self): return Ziphi( + self.phi, -self.phi, self.i + self.iphi, -self.iphi) def complex_conjugate(self): return Ziphi(, self.phi, -self.i, -self.iphi) def conjugate(self): return self.rational_conjugate() * self.complex_conjugate() * (self.rational_conjugate()).complex_conjugate() def norm(self): return self.i**4 + 2 * self.i**3 * self.iphi - self.i**2 * self.iphi**2 - 2 * self.i * self.iphi**3 + self.iphi**4 + 2 * self.i**2 ***2 + 2 * self.i * self.iphi ***2 + 3 * self.iphi**2 ***2 +**4 + 2 * self.i**2 * * self.phi - 8 * self.i * self.iphi * * self.phi - 2 * self.iphi**2 * * self.phi + 2 ***3 * self.phi + 3 * self.i**2 * self.phi**2 - 2 * self.i * self.iphi * self.phi**2 + 2 * self.iphi**2 * self.phi**2 -**2 * self.phi**2 - 2 * * self.phi**3 + self.phi**4 def __pos__(self): # Overload the "+" unary operator return self def add(self,summand): sum_one = + sum_phi = self.phi + summand.phi sum_i = self.i + summand.i sum_iphi = self.iphi + summand.iphi return Ziphi(sum_one, sum_phi, sum_i, sum_iphi) def __add__(self,summand): # Overload the "+" binary operator if isinstance(summand, int): return Ziphi(, self.phi, self.i, self.iphi) else: return self.add(summand) def __radd__(self,summand): # Overload the "+" binary operator if isinstance(summand, int): return Ziphi(, self.phi, self.i, self.iphi) else: return self.add(summand) def __iadd__(self,summand): # Overload the "+=" operator self = self + summand return self def __neg__(self): # Overload the "-" unary operator return Ziphi(,-self.phi,-self.i,-self.iphi) def __sub__(self,summand): # Overload the "-" binary operator return self.__add__(-summand) def __rsub__(self,summand): # Overload the "-" binary operator if isinstance(summand, int): return Ziphi(, -self.phi, -self.i, -self.iphi) else: return summand-self def __isub__(self,summand): # Overload the "-=" operator self = self - summand return self def mult(self,multip): ### prod_one = - multip.i*self.i - multip.iphi*self.iphi +* + multip.phi*self.phi prod_phi = - multip.iphi*self.i - multip.i*self.iphi - multip.iphi*self.iphi + multip.phi* +*self.phi + multip.phi*self.phi prod_i =*self.i + multip.phi*self.iphi + multip.i* + multip.iphi*self.phi prod_iphi = multip.phi*self.i +*self.iphi + multip.phi*self.iphi + multip.iphi* + multip.i*self.phi + multip.iphi*self.phi return Ziphi(prod_one, prod_phi, prod_i, prod_iphi) def __mul__(self,multip): # Overload the "*" operator if isinstance(multip, int): return Ziphi(*multip, self.phi*multip, self.i*multip, self.iphi*multip) else: return self.mult(multip) def __rmul__(self,multip): # Overload the "*" operator if isinstance(multip, int): return Ziphi(*multip, self.phi*multip, self.i*multip, self.iphi*multip) else: return self.mult(multip) def __imul__(self,multip): # Overload the "*=" operator self = self * multip return self #""" def floordiv(self,divisor): if isinstance(divisor, int): numerator = (-self if (divisor < 0) else self) denominator = (-divisor if (divisor < 0) else divisor) if denominator == 0: raise ZeroDivisionError("{0:s} is null!".format(divisor)) else: numerator = self*divisor.conjugate() denominator = divisor.norm() # Recall that denominator >= 0 if denominator == 0: raise ZeroDivisionError("{0:s} is null!".format(divisor)) candidate_r = candidate_i = numerator.phi//denominator # i.e. (candidate_r+1)* <*denominator if (2*candidate_r+1)*denominator < 2* candidate_r += 1 # i.e. (candidate_i+1)*denominator-numerator.phi < numerator.phi-candidate_i*denominator if (2*candidate_i+1)*denominator < 2*numerator.phi: candidate_i += 1 return Zphi(candidate_r,candidate_i) def __floordiv__(self,divisor): # Overload the "//" operator return self.floordiv(divisor) def __ifloordiv__(self,divisor): # Overload the "//=" operator self = self//divisor return self """ def mod(self,divisor): return self - divisor * (self//divisor) def __mod__(self,divisor): # Overload the "%" operator return self.mod(divisor) def __imod__(self,divisor): # Overload the "%=" operator self = self % divisor return self """ def divmod(self,divisor): q = self//divisor return q, self - divisor * q #""" """ def xgcd(self,other): quot = Zphi() a1 = Zphi(1,0) b1 = Zphi(0,0) a2 = Zphi(0,0) b2 = Zphi(1,0) a = self b = other if(b.norm() > a.norm()): # Need to start with a>b a,b = b,a # Swap a and b a1,b1,a2,b2 = a2,b2,a1,b1 # Swap (a1,b1) with (a2,b2) while (True): quot = a // b a %= b a1 -= quot*a2 b1 -= quot*b2 if (a == Zphi(0,0)): return b, a2, b2 quot = b // a b %= a a2 -= quot*a1 b2 -= quot*b1 if (b == Zphi()): return a, a1, b1 """ """ def Bezout(self, other): a = self b = other if a.norm() < b.norm(): (u, v, pgcd) = b.Bezout(a) return (v, u, pgcd) if b == 0: return (1, 0, a) u_n, u_n_moins_1, v_n, v_n_moins_1 = 0, 1, 1, 0 while b.norm() > 0: q,r = a.divmod(b) u_n_plus_1 = u_n_moins_1 - q*u_n v_n_plus_1 = v_n_moins_1 - q*v_n a, b = b, r u_n_moins_1, u_n, v_n_moins_1, v_n = u_n, u_n_plus_1, v_n, v_n_plus_1 return (u_n_moins_1, v_n_moins_1, a) """ """ def fancy_gcd(self,other): a = self b = other if abs(a.norm()) < abs(b.norm()): return b.gcd(a) while abs(b.norm()) > 0: q,r = a.divmod(b) a,b = b,r return a """ def gcd(self,other): a = self b = other bn = b.norm() if a.norm() < bn: return b.gcd(a) if bn > 0: abbb = a*b.conjugate() w,x,y,z = abbb.tuple() q1,q2,q3,q4 = int(round(w*1.0/bn)), int(round(x*1.0/bn)), int(round(y*1.0/bn)), int(round(z*1.0/bn)) s1,s2,s3,s4 = w*1.0/bn - q1, x*1.0/bn - q2, y*1.0/bn - q3, z*1.0/bn - q4 i1,i2,i3,i4 = 3+int(round(6*s1)), 3+int(round(6*s2)), 3+int(round(6*s3)), 3+int(round(6*s4)) delta = D[i1][i2][i3][i4] q1,q2,q3,q4 = q1-delta[0],q2-delta[1],q3-delta[2],q4-delta[3] q = Ziphi(q1,q2,q3,q4) a,b = a-q*b, b return a.gcd(b) return a """ x = Ziphi(1,1,1,1) y = Ziphi(2,3,4,5) z = Ziphi(2,3,4,6) print x+y print x*y print x-y print x.rational_conjugate() print y.complex_conjugate() print x.norm() print x*x.conjugate() print x.gcd(y) print y.gcd(x) print x.gcd(z) print y.gcd(z) """ def twoSquareProduct(s1,s2,t1,t2): return s1*t1 - s2*t2, s1*t2 + s2*t1 def product(a): if len(a) == 0: return 1 return a[-1]*product(a[:-1]) def twoSquares(self): if self == 0: return Zphi(0),Zphi(0) f = self.factor() # print f s1 = 1 s2 = 0 for x in list(f.keys()): # print s1, "and", s2 y = Zphi(x[0],x[1]) # print " y =", y p = abs(y.norm()) if int(sqrt(p))**2 == p: p = int(sqrt(p)) # print " p =", p m = f[x] if p == 2: (t1,t2) = (1,1) # print " (t1,t2) =", (t1,t2) for j in range(m): s1,s2 = twoSquareProduct(s1,s2,t1,t2) # u1 = s1*t1 - s2*t2 # u2 = s1*t2 + s2*t1 # s1,s2 = u1,u2 """ # i think this case should fall under "else" since y = sqrt(5) which can't be written as a sum of squares elif p == 5: t1 = Zphi(-1,2) t2 = 0 print " (t1,t2) =", (t1,t2) for j in range(m): s1,s2 = twoSquareProduct(s1,s2,t1,t2) # u1 = s1*t1 - s2*t2 # u2 = s1*t2 + s2*t1 # s1,s2 = u1,u2 """ elif p%4 == 1: u = tonelli(p-1,p) # print u y_ext = Ziphi(y) # print y_ext u_mod = Ziphi(u,0,1,0) # print u_mod z = y_ext.gcd(u_mod) (t1,t2) = z.pair() # print " (t1,t2) =", (t1,t2) # print " t1**2 + t2**2 =", t1**2 + t2**2 # print " N(t1**2 + t2**2) =", (t1**2 + t2**2).norm() for j in range(m): s1,s2 = twoSquareProduct(s1,s2,t1,t2) # u1 = s1*t1 - s2*t2 # u2 = s1*t2 + s2*t1 # s1,s2 = u1,u2 elif p%5 == 2 or p%5 == 3: u = tonelli(p-5,p) y_ext = Ziphi(y) u_mod = Ziphi(u,0,-1,2) z = y_ext.gcd(u_mod) (t1,t2) = z.pair() # print " (t1,t2) =", (t1,t2) # print " t1**2 + t2**2 =", t1**2 + t2**2 # print " N(t1**2 + t2**2) =", (t1**2 + t2**2).norm() for j in range(m): s1,s2 = twoSquareProduct(s1,s2,t1,t2) # u1 = s1*t1 - s2*t2 # u2 = s1*t2 + s2*t1 # s1,s2 = u1,u2 else: # print " y can't be written as a sum of squares" if m%2 == 0: s1 *= y**(m//2) s2 *= y**(m//2) else: s1,s2 = Zphi(None),Zphi(None) break # print "current s1 =", s1, "and s2 =", s2 if not Zphi(s1).isNone: s = Zphi(s1*s1 + s2*s2) # print "s =", s prod = self*s.conjugate() # print "prod =", prod norm = s.norm() # print "norm =", norm quot = Zphi(, prod.phi/norm) # print "quot =", quot n = unitDegree(quot) # print "n =", n if n == None or n%2 == 1: s1,s2 = Zphi(None),Zphi(None) elif n < 0: s1 *= Zphi(-1,1)**(-n//2) s2 *= Zphi(-1,1)**(-n//2) else: s1 *= Zphi(0,1)**(n//2) s2 *= Zphi(0,1)**(n//2) return s1, s2 """ for n in range(0,50): x = Zphi(n) print x, # print x.factor() ts = twoSquares(x) print ts if not ts[0].isNone: print " ", ts[0]**2+ts[1]**2 # looks good! """ """ x = Zphi(74247,-45881) print twoSquares(x) """