from convex import HyperplaneSolid from rings import * import numpy as np # from math import cos, sin, sqrt, pi import mpmath as mp from mpmath import cos, sin, sqrt, pi, log, fabs from quaternions import * = 40 # print phi = (1+sqrt(5))/2 phidot = (1-sqrt(5))/2 p = 7+5*phi # maybe implement differently for more precision? pdot = 12-5*phi p_exact = Zphi(7,5) # print [phi, phidot, p, pdot] # bi-invariant metric on PU(2) def metric(a,b): return 1-0.5*abs(np.trace(,b))) def searchX1(t, eps, m): m *= mp.mpf(1) term1 = fabs(cos(t)) * eps * sqrt(2-eps**2) term2 = (1-eps**2)*sin(t) X1 = HyperplaneSolid(2) # X1.enter([1,phi],p**(m/2)) ### redundant w/ 5th ineq X1.enter([-1,-phi],p**(m/2)) X1.enter([1,phidot],pdot**(m/2)) X1.enter([-1,-phidot],pdot**(m/2)) X1.enter([1,phi],p**(m/2)*(term1+term2)) X1.enter([-1,-phi],p**(m/2)*(term1-term2)) X1.enter([sin(t),sin(t)*phi],p**(m/2)*(1-eps**2)) # print X1 pts = X1.Znpoints() return pts # [pt for pt in pts if X1.check(pt)] """ for m in range(10,20): print "==================== m =", m, "====================" n,pts = searchX1(pi/8, mp.mpf(10.0**(-10)), m) if len(pts) > 0: print "n was", n print pts if len(pts) > 3: break """ def searchX0(t, eps, m, pt): x1 = pt[0] + pt[1]*phi x1dot = pt[0] + pt[1]*phidot m *= mp.mpf(1) X0 = HyperplaneSolid(2) X0.enter([1,phi],sqrt(p**m - x1**2)) X0.enter([-1,-phi],sqrt(p**m - x1**2)) X0.enter([1,phidot],sqrt(pdot**m - x1dot**2)) X0.enter([-1,-phidot],sqrt(pdot**m - x1dot**2)) X0.enter([cos(t),cos(t)*phi],p**(m/2)-x1*sin(t)) X0.enter([-cos(t),-cos(t)*phi],-p**(m/2)*(1-eps**2)+x1*sin(t)) # print X0 pts = X0.Znpoints() return pts # [pt for pt in pts if X0.check(pt)] """ X1points = [[-1246585, -2022220], [-1247195, -2021843], [-1248182, -2021233], [-1249169, -2020623]] m = 12 for pt in X1points: print "==================== pt =", pt, "====================" n,pts = searchX0(pi/8, mp.mpf(10.0**(-10)), m, pt) if len(pts) > 0: print "n was", n print pts """ """ t is an angle corresponding to the diagonal matrix / it \ | e 0 | | -it | \ 0 e / """ def diag(t, eps, start_m = 1, stop_m = 0): if stop_m < start_m: stop_m = 2*log(1/eps**3)/log(59) m = start_m - 1 stopQ = False ticks = 0 # number of times we give up on comp for having too large factors while not stopQ: m += 1 print("==================== m =", m, "====================") points1 = searchX1(t, eps, m) print("there are", len(points1), "candidate point(s) for x1") for pt1 in points1: points0 = searchX0(t, eps, m, pt1) if len(points0) > 0: print(pt1, "gives rise to", len(points0), "candidate point(s) for x0") for pt0 in points0: x0,x1 = Zphi(pt0[0],pt0[1]),Zphi(pt1[0],pt1[1]) comp = p_exact**m - x0**2 - x1**2 if np.all(np.array(list(factorint(comp.norm()).keys())) < 50000): (x2,x3) = twoSquares(comp) if not x2.isNone: # print "comp =", comp # print "goal (numerical) =", p**m # print "goal (exact) =", p_exact**m # print "goal?", x0**2 + x1**2 + x2**2 + x3**2 print("found it!") x = HZphi(x0,x1,x2,x3) print(ticks, "ticks") return TeXGamma(factorGamma(x)) else: ticks += 1 if m >= stop_m: print(ticks, "ticks") return "" # print diag(pi/8, sqrt(2)*mp.mpf(10.0**(-8))) # looks good! # print diag(mp.mpf(0.1602149635879141605714577864586057804666), sqrt(2)*mp.mpf(10**(-6)), 3) # print diag(pi/8, sqrt(2)*mp.mpf(10.0**(-10))) ### current goal """ s = HyperplaneSolid(2) s.enter([mp.mpf(1),mp.mpf(0)],2) s.enter([mp.mpf(-1),mp.mpf(0)],0) s.enter([mp.mpf(0),mp.mpf(1)],3) s.enter([mp.mpf(0),mp.mpf(-1)],0) print s.Znpoints() # looks okay (other than rounding errors at corners (e17) """