Icosahedral golden gates

This page contains information about and code for the paper "Fast Navigation with Icosahedral Golden Gates" by T. Blackman and Z. Stier.

In "Short paths in PU(2)," an algorithm is described and implemented for producing factorizations using the Clifford+T gate set to within specified precision of length at most 7/3 times the theoreical upper bound. In this paper we describe and implement an analogous algorithm for the icosahedral golden gate set. The advantages of this set are: the logarithm's base is 59, as opposed to 2, leading to an improvement by a factor of log259; and the icosahedral gates act on the corresponding 60-regular graph edge-transitively (as opposed to merely vertex-transitively).

Click here to download all files zipped. Below is also a link to each file and with short description of the important methods within. Please write to zstier (at) berkeley (dot) edu if any method in the code is not adequately explained here. UPDATE (Summer 2024): code is now Python 3 (was previously only compatible with Python 2).