Computational Maths Seminar

Wednesday 10-11, 891 Evans

If you have any questions or are interested in giving a talk, please email either Lewis (, Michael (, or Tom (!


Fall 2023
30 August - Intro meeting
6 September - Michael Heinz: Applications of mathematics in finance
13 September - Lewis Pan: Introduction to computer architecture
20 September - Tom Schang: Intro to Compression Algorithms
27 September - Jacob Elafandi: The Q tensor model of liquid crystals
11 October - Max Zubkov: Geometry of Shallow Polynomial Networks
25 October - Pranav Trivedi: Quantum Error-Correcting Codes
1 November - Ainsley Clark: Predicting the IR Spectra of Small Molecules
8 November - Lewis Pan: Intro to Hartree-Fock and Density Functional Theory
15 November - Spencer Peters: TBA
29 November - Isaac Craig: TBA