Math 275 Homework 1
Due: Wednesday, 9/28/05

Write a program to solve the Dirichlet problem

\begin{equation*}\begin{aligned}\Delta u&=4, & &\qquad\text{in}\quad \Omega \\ u &= x^2+y^2 & &\qquad\text{on}\quad \partial\Omega \end{aligned}\end{equation*}
on each of the domains


using linear triangular elements on an unstructured grid. Compute the $ H^1$ and $ L^2$ norms of the error exactly for each of the meshes provided below, and make a log-log plot of the error vs. the mesh parameter. What do you think would have happened if you used quadratic elements instead of linear elements?

Turn in a list of the exact errors you computed (two 12 digit numbers per grid), the log-log plots, and your discussion of what would have happened if you used quadratic elements instead of linear ones. E-mail me a zip or tar file of your code. If there are lots of files, include one file called "notes" which gives a short description of which files I should look at to understand what you did. Add enough comments to your code that you would know what you did if you looked at it in a year (but don't add excessive comments -- I'll probably understand what you were doing.)
Jon Wilkening 2005-09-02