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Steve Smale
- 1960--62 Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship
- 1964-- Foreign Membership, Brazilian Academy of Science
- 1965 M.S., Veblen Prize, American Mathematical Society
- 1966 Fields Medal, International Mathematical Union
- 1967 University of Michigan Sesquicentennial Award
- 1967-- Membership, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
- 1967--68 Research Professorship, Miller Institute for Basic Research in
Science, Berkeley
- 1970 Membership, National Academy of Sciences
- 1972 Colloquium Lectureship, American Mathematical Society
- 1974 Honorary D. Sc., University of Warwick, England
- 1979--80 Research Professorship, Miller Institute for Basic Research in
Science, Berkeley
- 1983-- Election as Fellow, The Econometric Society
- 1983 Faculty Research Lectureship, University of California, Berkeley
- 1987 Honorary D. Sc., Queens University, Kingston, Ontario
- 1988 Chauvenet Prize, Mathematical Association of America
- 1989 Von Neumann Award, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
- 1990 Honorary Membership in Instituto de Matematica Pura e Aplicada
(IMPA) Rio de Janeiro
- 1990 Research Professorship, Miller Institute for Basic Research in
Science, Berkeley
- 1991--92 Trinity Mathematical Society, Dublin, Honorary Member; Bishop
Berkeley Lecture, Trinity College, Dublin; Distinguished Lecture, Fields Institute, Waterloo, Canada
- 1993 Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
- 1994 Class of the Grand Cross of the Brasilian National Order of
Scientific Merit
Steve Smale
Last update: April 1996