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Steve Smale
- A note on open maps, Proceedings of the AMS, 8 (1957),
pp. 391--393.
- A Vietoris mapping theorem for homotopy, Proceedings of the
AMS, 8 (1957), pp. 604--610.
- Regular curves on Riemannian manifolds, Transactions of the
AMS, 87 (1958), pp. 492--512.
- On the immersions of manifolds in Euclidean space (with R. K.
Lashof), Annals of Mathematics, 68 (1958), pp. 562--583.
- Self-intersections of immersed manifolds (with R. K. Lashof),
Journal of Mathematics and Mechanics, 8 (1959), pp. 143--157.
- A classification of immersions of the two-sphere, Transactions of
the AMS, 90 (1959), pp. 281--290.
- The classification of immersions of spheres in Euclidean space,
Annals of Mathematics, 69 (1959), pp. 327--344. (See also R. Thom, La
Classification des immersions d'apres Smale, Seminaire Bourbaki, December
- Diffeomorphisms of the two-sphere, Proceedings of the AMS, 10
(1959), pp. 621--626.
- On involutions of the 3-sphere (with Morris Hirsch), American
Journal of Mathematics, 81 (1959), pp. 893--900.
- Morse inequalities for a dynamical system, Bulletin of the AMS,
66 (1960), pp. 43--49.
- The generalized Poincaré conjecture in higher dimensions, Bulletin
of the AMS, 66 (1960), pp. 373--375.
- On dynamical systems, Boletin de la Sociedad Mathematics Mexicana,
(1960), pp. 195--198.
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- On gradient dynamical systems, Annals of Mathematics, 74
(1961), pp. 199--206.
- Generalized Poincaré conjecture in dimensions greater than 4,
Annals of Mathematics, 74 (1961), pp. 391--406.
- Differentiable and combinatorial structures on manifolds, Annals of
Mathematics, 74 (1961), pp. 498--502.
- On the structure of 5-manifolds, Annals of Mathematics, 75
(1962), pp. 38--46.
- On the structure of manifolds, American Journal of Mathematics,
84 (1962), pp. 387--399.
- Dynamical systems and the topological conjugacy problem for
diffeomorphisms, Proceedings of the International Congress of
Mathematicians, Stockholm, 1962.
- A survey of some recent developments in differential topology,
Bulletin of the AMS, 69 (1963), pp. 131--146.
- Stable manifolds of diffeomorphisms and differential equations,
Annali della Scuola Normali Superioro di Pisa, Serie III, XVII (1963),
pp. 97--116.
- A generalized Morse theory (with R. Palais), Bulletin of the AMS,
70 (1964), pp. 165--172.
- Morse theory and non-linear generalization of the Dirichlet problem,
Annals of Mathematics, 80, pp. 382--396.
- Diffeomorphisms with many periodic points, Differential and
Combinatorial Topology (A symposium in honor of Marston Morse), Princeton
University Press (1965), pp. 63--80.
- An infinite dimensional version of Sard's theorem, American Journal
of Mathematics, 87 (1965), pp. 861--866.
- On the Morse index theorem, Journal of Mathematics and Mechanics,
14 (1965), pp. 1049--1056.
- A structurally stable differentiable homeomorphism with an infinite
number of periodic points, Report on the Symposium on Non Linear
Oscillations, Kiev Mathematics Institute (1963), pp. 365--366.
- On the calculus of variations, Differential Analysis, Bombay
(1964), pp. 187--189.
- Structurally stable systems are not dense, American Journal of
Mathematics, 88 (1966), pp. 491--496.
- Dynamical systems on n-dimensional manifolds, Differential
Equations and Dynamical Systems, (1967), pp. 483--486.
- Differentiable dynamical systems, Bulletin of the AMS, 73
(1967), pp. 747--817.
- What is global analysis?, American Math. Monthly, (1969), pp. 4--9.
- Nongenericity of
-stability (with R. Abraham), Global
Analysis, Proc. of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, 14 AMS (1970), pp. 5--8.
- Structural stability theorems (with J. Palis), Global Analysis,
Proc. of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, 14 AMS (1970), pp. 223--231.
- Notes on differential dynamical systems, Global Analysis, Proc. of
Symposia in Pure Mathematics, 14 AMS (1970), pp. 277--287.
- The
-stability theorem, Global Analysis, Proc. of Symposia
in Pure Mathematics, 14 AMS (1970), pp. 289--297.
- Topology and mechanics, I., Inventiones Mathematicae, 10
(1970), pp. 305--331.
- Topology and mechanics, II., Inventiones Mathematicae, 11
(1970), pp. 45--64.
- Stability and genericity in dynamical systems, Seminaire Bourbaki,
(1969--70), Springer, Berlin, pp. 177--186.
- Problems on the nature of relative equilibria in celestial mechanics,
Proc. of Conference on Manifolds, Amsterdam (1970), Springer, Berlin, pp.
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- On the mathematical foundations of electrical circuit theory,
Journal of Differential Geometry, 7 (1972), pp. 193--210.
- Beyond hyperbolicity (with M. Shub), Annals of Mathematics,
96 (1972), pp. 591--597.
- Personal perspectives on mathematics and mechanics, Statistical
Mechanics: New Concepts, New Problems, New Applications, edited by Stuart A.
Rice, Karl F. Freed, and John C. Light, Univ. of Chicago Press (1972),
pp. 3--12.
- Stability and isotopy in discrete dynamical systems, Dynamical
Systems, edited by M. M. Peixoto, Academic Press, New York (1973).
- Global analysis and economics, I: Pareto Optimum and a
generalization of Morse theory, Dynamical Systems, edited by M. M.
Academic Press (1973).
- Global analysis and economics, IIA, Journal of Mathematical
Economics, First Issue, April 1974, pp. 1--14.
- Global analysis and economics, III: Pareto Optima and price
equilibria, Journal of Mathematical Economics, I (1974), pp.
- Global analysis and economics, IV: Finiteness and stability of
equilibria with general consumption sets and production, Journal of
Mathematical Economics, I (1974), pp. 119--127.
- Global analysis and economics, V: Pareto theory with constraints,
Journal of Mathematical Economics, I (1974), pp. 213--221.
- Optimizing several functions, Manifolds, Tokyo (1973), Proc.
of the International Conference on Manifolds and Related Topics in Topology,
Tokyo (1973), Univ. of Tokyo Press (1975), pp. 69--75.
- The mathematical model of two cells via Turing's equation, Lectures
on Mathematics in the Life Sciences, 6 (1974), pp. 17--26.
- Sufficient conditions for an optimum, Warwick Dynamical Systems
(1974), Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Springer--Verlag (1975), pp.
- Differential equations (with I. M. Singer), Encyclopedia Britannica
Inc., Fifteenth Edition, (1974), pp. 736--767.
- Dynamics in general equilibrium the theory, American Economic
Review, 66 (1976), pp. 288--294.
- Global analysis and economics, VI: Geometric analysis of Parieto Optima
and price equilibria under classical hypotheses, Journal of Mathematical
Economics, 3 (1976), pp. 1--14.
- The qualitative analysis of a difference equation of population growth
(with R. F. Williams), Journal of Mathematical Biology, 3 (1976),
PP. 1--4.
- On the differential equations of species in competition, Journal of
Mathematical Biology, 3 (1976), pp. 5--7.
- A convergent process of price adjustment, Journal of Mathematical
Economics, 3 (1976), pp. 107--120.
- Exchange processes with price adjustment, Journal of Mathematical
Economics, 3 (1976), pp. 211--226.
- Global stability questions in dynamical systems, Proceedings of
Conference on Qualitative Analysis, Washington, DC.
- Dynamical systems and turbulence, Turbulence Seminar: Berkeley 1976/77,
edited by P. Bernard and T. Ratiu, Lecture Notes in Mathematics,
615 (1977), pp. 48--71.
- Some dynamical questions in mathematical economics, Colloques
Internationaux du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, No. 259:
Systemes Dynamiques et Modeles Economiques, (1977).
- An approach to the analysis of dynamic processes in economic systems,
Equilibrium and disequilibrium in Economic Theory, D. Reidel Publishing
Co., Dordrecht, (1977), pp. 363--367.
- On comparative statics and bifurcation in economic equilibrium theory,
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 316 (1979),
(Bifurcation Theory in Scientific Disciplines), pp. 545--548.
- On algorithms for solving
(with Morris W. Hirsch),
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 55 (1980), pp. 1--12.
- Smooth solutions of the heat and wave equations, Commentarii
Mathematici Helvetici, 55 (1980), pp. 1--12.
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- The fundamental theorem of algebra and complexity theory, Bulletin
of the American Mathematical Society, 4 (1981), pp. 1--36.
- The prisoner's dilemma and dynamical systems associated to
non-cooperative games, Econometrica, 48 (1980), pp. 1617--1634.
- Global analysis and economics, Handbook of Mathematical Economics,
K. J. Arrow and M. D. Intrilligator, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1 (1981),
pp. 331--370.
- The Mathematics of Time: Essays on Dynamical Systems, Economic Processes
and Related Topics, Springer--Verlag, Berlin, (1980), vi + pp. 151.
- The problem of the average speed of the simplex method, Proceedings
of the XIth International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, edited by
Bachem, Grotschel, and Korte, Springer--Verlag, Berlin, (1983), pp. 530--539.
- On the average number of steps of the simplex method of linear
programming, Mathematical Programming, 27 (1983), pp. 241--262.
- On the steps of Moscow University, Mathematical Intelligencer,
6 (1984), pp. 21--27.
- Gerard Debreu wins the Nobel Prize, Mathematical Intelligencer,
6 (1984), pp. 61--62.
- Scientists and the arms race (in German translation),
Natur-Wissenschafter Gegen Atomrustung, edited by Hans-Peter Durr, Hans-Peter
Harjes, Matthias Krech, and Peter Starlinge, Spiegel--Buch, (1983), pp.
- Computational complexity: On the geometry of polynomials and a theory of
cost, Part I (with Mike Shub), Annales Scientifiques de l'Ecole Normale
Superieure, 18 (1985), pp. 107--142.
- On the efficiency of algorithms of analysis, Bulletin of the
American Mathematical Society, 13 (1985), pp. 87--121.
- Computational complexity: On the geometry of polynomials and a theory of
cost, Part II (with Mike Shub), SIAM Journal of Computing, 15
(1986), pp. 145--161.
- On the existence of generally convergent algorithms (with Mike Shub),
Journal of Complexity, 2 (1986), pp. 2--11.
- Newton's method estimates from data at one pint, The Merging of
Disciplines: New Directions in Pure, Applied, and Computational
Mathematics, edited by Richard E. Ewing, Kenneth I. Gross, and Clyde F.
Martin, Springer--Verlag, New York, (1986), pp. 185--196.
- On the topology of algorithms, I., Journal of Complexity, 3
(1987), pp. 81--89.
- Algorithms for solving equations, Proceedings of the International
Congress of Mathematicians, August 3--11, 1986, Berkeley, California, USA,
American Mathematical Society Providence, (1987), pp. 172--195.
- Global analysis in economic theory, The New Palgrave: A Dictionary
of Economics, 2, edited by John Eatwell, Murray Milgrate, and Peter
Newman, Macmillan Press, (1987), London, pp. 532--534.
- The Newtonian contribution to our understanding of the computer,
Queen's Quarterly, 95 (1988), pp. 90--95.
- On a theory of computation and complexity over the real numbers:
NP-completeness, recursive functions and universal machines (with Lenore Blum
and Mike Shub), Bulletin (New Series) of the American Mathematical
Society, 21(1) (1989), pp. 1--46.
- Some remarks on the foundations of numerical analysis, SIAM Review,
32(2) (1990), pp. 221--270.
- The story of the higher dimensional Poincaré conjecture, The
Mathematical Intelligencer, 21(2) (1990), pp. 40--51.
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- Dynamics retrospective: great problems, attempts that failed,
Physica D, 51 (1991), pp. 267--273.
- Theory of computation, Mathematical Research Today Tomorrow, ed.
Casacuberta, Castellet Spring, New York, (1992), pp. 60--69.
- Complexity of Bezout's Theorem I: Geometric aspects (with Mike Shub),
Journal of the American Mathematical Society, 6 (1993), pp.
- Complexity of Bezout's Theorem II: Volumes and probabilities (with Mike
Shub), Computational Algebraic Geometry (F. Eyssette and A. Galligo,
eds.) Progress in Mathematics, Birkhauser, 109 (1993), pp. 267--285.
- Complexity of Bezout's Theorem III: Condition number and packing (with
Mike Shub), Journal of Complexity, 9 (1993), pp. 4--14.
- What is Chaos, in Nobel Conference XXVI, Chaos the New Science, ed.
J. Holte Gustavus Adolphus College, University Press in American, (1993), pp.
- Complexity of Bezout's Theorem V: Polynomial Time (with Mike Shub),
Theoretical Computer Science, 133 (1994), pp. 141--164
- Separation of Complexity Classes in Koiran's Weak Model (with Felipé
Cucker and Mike Shub), Theoretical Computer Science, 133 (1994),
pp. 3--14.
- Complexity of Bezout's Theorem IV: Probabability of success;
Extensions (with Mike Shub), SIAM Jour. of Numerical Analysis
- On the Intractibility of Hilbert's Nullstellensatz and an Algebraic
Version of "NP=P?" (with Mike Shub) Duke Math Jour to appear.
- Complexity and Real Computation: A Manifesto (with L. Blum,
F. Cucker and M. Shub) International Journal of Bifurcation and
Chaos Vol. 6 No.1 (1996).
- Algebraic Settings for the Problem "P=NP" (with L. Blum,
F. Cucker, M. Shub) Lectures in Applied Mathematics, ed J. Renegar,
M. Shub and S. Smale to appear
- Chaos: Finding a Horseshoe on the Beaches of Rio to appear
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Steve Smale
Last update: April 1996