Math 123: Ordinary Differential Equations
Section 1 (24090), Fall 2018
Contents of this page
- News
- Lecture time and location
- Prerequisite
- Office hours
- Text
- Syllabus
- Exams
- Grading policy
- Handouts
- Homework
- Piazza
- (9/4) All class discussion has moved to Piazza.
- (8/22) Welcome to the web page of Math 123 for Fall
Lecture time and location
- TuTh 2:00 PM - 3:29 PM in 3111 Etcheverry
- Math 104
Office hours
- Wednesdays 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM, Thursdays 11:00 AM - 12:30
PM (in 1071 Evans) and by
appointment. At other times I will be answering questions on
- Required: Morris W. Hirsch, Stephen Smale, and Robert
L. Devaney, Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems, and an
Introduction to Chaos, Academic Press/Elsevier, third edition,
2013, Hardcover ISBN: 9780123820105, eBook ISBN:
- Other useful books:
- Steven H. Strogatz, Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos,
Westview, 1994
- James D. Meiss, Differential Dynamical Systems, SIAM, 2007
- Lawrence Perko, Differential Equations and Dynamical
Systems, third edition, Springer Text in Applied Math. 7, 2001
The (ambitious) plan is to cover Chapters 1-10, 12, 13 and/or 14, and 17 of
Linear systems. Classification of planar linear systems. Existence and
uniqueness theorem for solutions of ODEs. Dependence on initial
conditions. Equilibria in nonlinear systems. The Hartman-Grobman
theorem. Stability of equilibria. Gradient systems. Hamiltonian
systems. Closed orbits and the Poincaré-Bendixson
theorem. Applications in circuit theory and classical mechanics. The
Lorenz system.
Each week I will assign the reading for the following week, which you
are required to do ahead of class. You are welcome to
supplement your reading by looking at other sources such as the books
recommended above.
# |
Week of |
Reading |
1 |
8/23 |
Chapter 1 |
2 |
8/27 |
Chapter 2 |
There will be one in-class midterm and a final exam. The exam
- Midterm: Thursday, October 18
- Final exam: Tuesday, December 11, 8:00-11:00 AM
- No make-up exams will be given.
- Disabled students requiring accommodations should
contact the Disabled
Students' Program.
Grading policy
- The final grade will consist of four components:
- Homework 30%
- Midterm 30%
- Final 40%.
- Each of the above three grades will be curved into a number on
a consistent scale.
- Your midterm grade will be replaced by the curved final
exam grade if the latter is higher.
- The three curved grades will be added up and converted into a
final course grade.
- Curving means that the difficulty of exams does not affect
your grade: if an exam is extremely difficult (highly unlikely), then
a lower score will be sufficient to get an A, while if an exam is
very easy (also unlikely), you might need a very high score to
get an A. After each midterm you will be given the letter grade cutoffs.
- Please note: incomplete grades, according to university
policy, can be given only if unantipicated events beyond your control
(e.g. a medical emergency) make it impossible for you to complete the
course, and if you are otherwise passing (with a C or above).
- None yet.
There will be weekly homework assignments. You are welcome to work on
the homework collaboratively but I expect you to write your
solutions in your own words. I also encourage you to discuss homework
questions on Piazza.
# |
Due date |
Assignment |
1 |
8/30 |
Chapter 1, exercises 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 |
To handle questions posed outside of class, we will be using Piazza, a free platform for instructors
and GSIs to efficiently manage out-of-class Q&A. On the class
dashboard, students can post questions and collaborate
Wikipedia-style to edit responses to these questions. Instructors can
also answer questions, endorse student answers, and edit or delete
any posted content. Instead of emailing me math questions, I
encourage you to post them to Piazza. One of many great things about
Piazza is that it supports LaTeX.
Each student will be invited to join Piazza by email. Please join
it as soon as you can, as I plan to use Piazza extensively. I will
not be using bCourses.
Instead of sending me email, please create a post on Piazza with
your question or concern. Private or anonymous post are fine, though
they should be used rarely.
Top answerers on Piazza will receive extra credit.
© Slobodan
N. Simić 2018
Last modified: Tue Sep 4 13:07:43 PDT 2018