Teaching Assistants:

Section 101, Time= 8-9 AM, 70 Evans, Benjamin Gammage: bgammage@math.berkeley.edu, Evans 845, T 4-5, Th 2-3
Section 103, Time= 9-10 AM, 220 Wheeler, Benjamin Gammage: bgammage@math.berkeley.edu, Evans 845, T 4-5, Th 2-3

Section 105, Time= 10-11 AM, B51 HILDEBRAND, Sherry Fang: office hours are Wednesday from 1pm to 3pm at 864 Evans
Section 106, Time= 10-11 AM, 289 CORY, Andreas Voellmer, voellmer@math.berkeley.edu, Office number, 739 Evans, Office hours: Tuesdays, 4:00-6:00
Section 107, Time= 11-12 PM, 289 CORY, Andreas Voellmer, voellmer@math.berkeley.edu, Office number, 739 Evans, Office hours: Tuesdays, 4:00-6:00
Section 108, Time= 11-12 PM, B51 HILDEBRAND, Ethan Van Andel: evanan@math.berkeley.edu, Office hours Mon: 2:30-3:30 and Fri: 3:30-4:30, 1010 Evans Hall. Section Website: https://math.berkeley.edu/~evanan/teaching/spring2015/m53/m532015.html
Section 109, Time=12-1 PM, 9 EVANS, Ethan Van Andel: evanan@math.berkeley.edu, Office hours Mon: 2:30-3:30 and Fri: 3:30-4:30, 1010 Evans Hall. Section Website: https://math.berkeley.edu/~evanan/teaching/spring2015/m53/m532015.html
Section 110, Time= 1-2 PM, 210 WHEELER, Christian Hilaire: Office hours are on Monday from 3:00 to 5:00 pm in 743 Evans. email is hilaire@math.berkeley.edu
Section 111, Time= 2-3 PM, 102 LATIMER, Christian Hilaire: Office hours are on Monday from 3:00 to 5:00 pm in 743 Evans. email is hilaire@math.berkeley.edu
Section 112, Time= 3-4 PM, 24 WHEELER, Kevin Wray, kwray@math.berkeley.edu, Office number: Evans 741, Office hours: Tu/Th 2-3 and by appointment
JSection 113, Time= 4-5 PM, 109 WHEELER, Kevin Wray, kwray@math.berkeley.edu, Office number: Evans 741, Office hours: Tu/Th 2-3 and by appointment
Section 115, Time= 5-6 PM, 101 WHEELER, Yingdi Qin: Office hours are Mon 8-9 Fri 8-9 at Evans 1058.
Section 116, 5-6 PM, 75 EVANS, Christian Hilaire
Section 117, 3-4 PM, 9 EVANS, Yingdi Qin: Office hours are Mon 8-9 Fri 8-9 at Evans 1058.