Differential Field

A derivation on a commutative ring R is a function ∂:R → R satisfying universally

A differential field with n commuting derivations is a field K given together with n derivations 1, …, ∂n for which

(&forall 1 ≤ i ≤ j ≤ n )(&forall x ∈ K) ∂ij(x) = ∂ji(x)

For example, one might take for K the field of meromorphic functions on Cn and i = ∂/∂ zi.

The theory DF0,n of differential fields of characteristic zero with n commuting derivations has a model completion, the theory DCF0,n of differentially closed fields of characteristic zero with n commuting derivations.

In a differential field (K, ∂1, …, ∂n), the constant field is the field C := { x ∈ K | (&forall i) ∂i(x) = 0 }.

A differential polynomial in l variables over K is a polynomial (in the sense of universal algebra) in l variables over K considered in the language L(+, ×, ∂1, …, ∂n).