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Graphing Solutions of Differential Equations, #6: Graphs

Graphing Solutions to Differential Equations, # 20: Graphs

Numerical Solutions, #4: Decreasing

Numerical Solutions, #8: $ 5.90625$

Numerical Solutions, #12: (a) $ f' = k f$ for some constant $ k$, $ f(0) = 2$, (b) $ f(1) \approx 2 + \frac{5}{2} k$, (c) $ f(t) = 2 e^{kt}$, (d) if $ k = 0.3$, then $ f(1) = 2 e^{-0.3} \approx 1.48$ while the approximation from (b) gives $ f(1) \approx 2 + \frac{5}{2} (-0.3 = 1.25$.

Numerical Solutions, #20: (a) E, (b) C, (c) D, (d) A, (e) B

11.1, # 4: $ -1 + \frac{25}{2} x^2$

11.1, # 8: $ 1 - \frac{1}{2} x + \frac{3}{8} x^2 - \frac{5}{16} x^3$

11.1, # 22: $ -0.22$

11.1, # 26: $ f''(1) = 3$, $ f'''(1) = -5$

Thomas Scanlon 2004-04-20