Math 16B: Analytic Geometry and Calculus
Spring 2004

General Information

Course Time and Place: MWF 2-3pm, 145 Dwinelle
Course Text: Calculus and Its Applications, Tenth edition, by Larry Goldstein, David Lay, and David Schneider
Instructor: Thomas Scanlon
e-mail address:
Homepage: /~scanlon
Office: 723 Evans
Office Hours: Mondays 12 noon - 1:30pm, Thursdays 9:30am - 11am


As you know, the final exam was rather hard and the average score of this exam is significantly lower than the means of the midterms (at least, based on early returns -- the current score range is 29 to 90 and the current mean is in the mid 60s). The grades will be assigned based upon a curve (or the usual absolute scale in the unlikely event that this scale produces higher grades).

Old announcements are archived.


You may send anonymous comments to the instructor. For concerns specific to yourself, you should send e-mail.

Some of these comments and their answers are available.

Lecture notes

Lecture notes are available in the form projected in class as well as in an HTML format.


Homework is assigned each week, but it is not collected or graded. However, the weekly quiz in section will be based on the homework.

Homework to be completed by Tuesday, 4 May 2004.



Three separate schemes are used to compute your course grade. The best of these three grades is assigned as your course grade. In each case, I compute a score for each student and rank all the students. A grade (for each method of score computation) is assigned based on class rank.

With the first method your score is computed as 10% of your quiz score, 25% of each of your midterm scores and 40% of your final exam score. With the second method, your first midterm score is dropped entirely and your score is computed as 10% of the quiz score, 40% of your second midterm score and 50% of your final exam score. With the last method, your second midterm score is dropped and your score is 10% of your quiz score, 40% of your first midterm score, and 50% of your final exam score.

Your lowest quiz score will be dropped.