Algebraic Dynamics
Berkeley, 10 May 2012 - 13 May 2012

This meeting will focus on algebraic and arithmetic properties of discrete dynamical systems arising in algebraic geometry though perspectives from various branches of mathematics, such as complex dynamics, valuation theory, arithmetic geometry, mathematical logic, p-adic analysis, et cetera, are welcome and expected.


All lectures will be held in 740 Evans, on the UC Berkeley campus. Coffee breaks will take place in the Tarski Room, 727 Evans.


10am Registration in 740 Evans
10:45am Introductory remarks
11am Curt McMullen (Harvard) Dynamics with low entropy on projective K3 surfaces
Noon Lunch
2pm Alon Levy (ICERM) Integrality and Arithmetic Thurston's Rigidity
2:45pm Clayton Petsche (Oregon State) Critically Separable Rational Maps in Families
3:30pm Coffee Break
4pm Phillip Williams (King's College) Semi-stable reduction implies minimality of the resultant
4:45pm Sarah Koch (Harvard) Algebraic data associated to a critically finite rational map


9:30am Matt Baker (Berkeley & Georgia Tech) Canonical heights over function fields
10:30am coffee
11am Ben Hutz (CUNY) Multiplier Spectra and the Moduli Space of Degree 3 Morphisms on P1
11:45am Alice Medvedev (Berkeley) TBA
12:30pm Lunch
2:30pm Zoé Chatzidakis (Paris VII) Field internal difference varieties
3:30pm Coffee Break
4:15pm Juan Rivera-Letelier (PUC) Ultrametric Julia sets in finite trees


9:30am Xinyi Yuan (Princeton & Berkeley) Algebraic dynamics over finitely generated fields
10:30am Coffee Break
11am Yu Yasufuku (Nihon) Coordinates of Forward Orbits in Projective Space
11:45am ChongGyu Lee (UIC) Equidistribution of periodic points of regular polynomial automorphism
12:30pm Lunch
2:30pm Mahdi Majidi-Zolbanin (CUNY) Entropy in local algebra
3:15pm Coffee Break
4:15pm Shu Kawaguchi (Kyoto) Degrees of iterations of triangular automorphisms over Q-algebras


9:15am Kate Stange (Stanford) Elliptic divisibility sequences
10am Coffee Break
10:30am Laura DeMarco (UIC) Special curves and post-critically-finite polynomials
11:30am Conference closes

Local Information

Most speakers will be staying at the Women's Faculty Club. A map of Berkeley together with a list of some nearby restaurants is available.

Organizing committee:

For further information and to apply for funding, write to the organizers at
This conference is supported by a Focused Research Group grant of the US National Science Foundation, NSF DMS-0854839.