Fall 2004 - Math 16B - Section 1 Webpage

LECTURER: Don Sarason

OFFICE: 779 Evans Hall

OFFICE PHONE: 642-3521

OFFICE HOURS: MW 9:30-11:30am, or by appointment

E-MAIL: In a large lecture course such as Math 16B, it is not possible to respond to email inquiries from individual students. If you need to communicate with Mr. Sarason about the course, see him after lecture, come to his office (preferably during office hours or by appointment), or use the phone. Except in dire emergencies, email messages will not be answered.

TEXTBOOK: Calculus & Its Applications, Tenth Edition, Goldstein-Lay-Schneider, Pearson Education, Inc., 2004.

PREREQUISITES: The only prerequisite is Math 16A. Unless you took that course this past summer, you are likely rusty on the material. It is suggested you review Chapters 0-6 of the textbook, especially the notion of derivative, the techniques of differentiation, the exponential and logarithm functions, and the concept of integration. Work some of the Supplementary Exercises at the ends of Chapters 3, 4 and 6.

EXAMS: There will be midterm exams in lecture on Wednesday, September 29 (on Chapter 7), and on Wednesday, November 10 (on Chapters 8-9 and Sections 10.1-10.4). The Final Examination is scheduled for Wednesday, December 15, 8:00-11:00 a.m. (Exam Group 4). Do not enroll in the course if you have a conflict. There will be no make-up exams.

GRADING SYSTEM: There are two grading options. The one yielding the higher grade will be applied on an individual basis.

Option 1: Section 1/6, each midterm 1/6, final 1/2
Option 2: Section 1/6, higher midterm 1/6, final 2/3

The section grade will be based on homework and quizzes.

Grade points will be assigned for each exam and for section. Their weighted average will be converted to a letter grade according to the following table.

[4.15, infinity)A+
[3.75, 4.15)A
[3.50, 3.75)A-
[3.25, 3.50)B+
[2.75, 3.25)B
[2.50, 2.75)B-
[2.25, 2.50)C+
[1.75, 2.25)C
[1.50, 2.25)C-
[1.25, 1.50)D+
[0.75, 1.25)D
[0.50, 0.75)D-
[0.00, 0.50)F

INCOMPLETE GRADES: According to University regulations, you may receive an I grade only if "your work in a course has been of passing quality but is incomplete for reasons beyond your control."

COURSE WEBPAGE: The course webpage can be accessed through the Web Site of the Department of Mathematics (www.math.berkeley.edu).

LECTURES: The lectures will follow the textbook but not parrot it. Their purpose is to introduce and illustrate the main ideas. There is too much material in the course for the lectures to cover everything, so expect to depend on the textbook for much of what you learn. You will follow the lectures better if you go over the relevant parts of the textbook before- hand.

SYMBOL CRUNCHING: Calculus, as you know from Math 16A, involves a good dose of symbolism. It is important that you acquire a facility with the various algebraic manipulations that come up (adding fractions, differentiating products and quotients, applying the chain rule, and the like). That is done through practice. It is also important to remember that reliance on symbols is designed to facilitate thought, not to eliminate it. When symbol crunching, do not lose sight of what the symbols mean. That will help you to avoid silly errors that lead to absurd conclusions.

HOMEWORK: Homework will be assigned weekly and will be due in section at the beginning of class. The purpose of the homework is to test your understanding of the course material. You should read the relevant parts of the textbook BEFORE attempting the homework exercises. Mr. Sarason and your GSI will be happy provide guidance on how to attack homework exercises.

Some of the homework assignments are quite long. You will not want to wait until the night before they are due to start working on them.

Unfortunately, the Mathematics Department, for budgetary reasons, is not able to provide readers to grade Math 16B homework exercises. Your GSI, however, will look over your homework closely enough to determine whether you have made a serious effort at doing the problems. The homework will count for 50% of the section grade. Selected homework solutions will be posted on the course webpage.

IMPORTANT: Late homework papers will not be accepted.

A PLEA: I hope you will not approach Math 16B as a cookbook course where the goal is to memorize recipes for problem solving. Math may be hard to understand, but, with effort, you will be able to understand it. If you can grasp the basic ideas behind the jungle of symbolism, the need for mindless memorization will be greatly reduced. You will have internalized a context that will enhance retention.

(Numbers refer to textbook sections.)

WEEK, 7.3
37.4, 7.57.5, 7.67.6, 7.7
(Chap. 7), 9.3
810.110.1, 10.210.2, 10.3
910.3, 10.410.410.5-10.7
1011.111.1, 11.211.2
(Chap. 8, 9, Sec. 10.1-10.4)
1211.3, 11.411.4, 11.511.5
1412.312.412.4, 12.5
Course evaluation


Homework assignments will be posted on the course webpage at least one week before the due date. They are to be turned in at the beginning of section on the due date. Late papers will not be accepted.

The first five assignments are below. The exercises not in brackets are to be turned in. The exercises in brackets are suggested as additional practice. Doing them will help you solidify your understanding of the material.

Assignment 1Sec. 7.1, Ex. 1, [2], 7, [8], 12, 13, 16, 23-26
Due 9/2
Assignment 2Sec. 7.2, Ex. 1, 2, 5, 6, 17, 23, 25, [26], [31]
Due 9/9Sec. 7.3, Ex. 1, [2], 7, 8, 11, [12], [16], 23, [24], [30], 31
Assignment 3Sec. 7.4, Ex. 1, 2, [5], 6, 8, 10, 13, [14], 21, [23]
Due 9/16Sec. 7.5, Ex. 9, [10], [11]
Assignment 4Sec. 7.7, Ex. 1, [2], 7, 8, [11], 12, 13, [14]
Due 9/23
Assignment 5Sec. 8.1, Ex. 1, [2], 5, 8, 13, [16]
Due 9/30
Assignment 6Sec. 8.2, Ex. 1, [2], [5], 6, 11, [12], 21, 22, 37, 38
Due 10/7Sec. 8.3, Ex. 1, [4], 11, 12, [24], 28, 35, [36], 39, 40
Assignment 7Sec. 8.4, Ex. 3, [4], [10], [11], 12, [18], 27, 31, 32, 37, [39]
Due 10/14Sec. 9.1, Ex. 1, [2], 3, 6, 14, [29], 30, 31, 47
Assignment 8Sec. 9.2, Ex. 1, [2], 7, [8], 15, [16], 23, 24, [30], [32]
Due 10/21Sec. 9.3, Ex. 1, [2], [4], 5, 12, [19]
 Sec. 9.4, Ex. [5], [6], 19, [25], [26], 27
 Sec. 9.5, Ex. 1, [2], 7, [8], 12
Assignment 9Sec. 9.6, Ex. [16], 17, [28], 29, 35, [36], 48
Due 10/28Sec. 10.1, Ex. 1, [2], [9], [10], 11, [12], 13, [14], 15, [21]
 Sec. 10.2, Ex. 1, [2], 9, [14], 25, [26], [31], 35
Assignment 10Sec. 10.3, Ex. 11, [12], 19, 21, [22], [26], 31, 33, [34], 40
Due 11/4Sec. 10.4, Ex. 5, [6], 7, [8], 9, 13
Assignment 11Sec. 10.6, Ex. 1, [5], 9, 25
Due 11/18Sec. 11.1, Ex. 5, [6], [8], 10, [14], 17, 19, 23
 Sec. 11.2, Ex. 1, 5, 15, 16, [24]
Assignment 12Sec. 11.3, Ex. 1, 3, [4], [8], 15, [16], 23, 25, 27, 29
Due 12/2Sec. 11.4, Ex. 9, 14
 Sec. 11.5, Ex. 7, 15, [18], [22], 23, [24]
 Sec. 12.1, Ex. 1, [2], 4, 5, [6], 9
Assignment 13Sec. 12.2, Ex. 1, [6], 7, 15, 19, [20], 25, [27], [28]
Due 12/9Sec. 12.3, Ex. 1, [2], 9, 11, [14], 19
 Sec. 12.4, Ex. 1, 5, 15, 23, 27
 Sec. 12.5, Ex. 1, 5, 7, 13, [15]



DATE:Wednesday, September 29
TIME:8:10-9:00 a.m.
ROOM ASSIGNMENTS:10 Evans Hall: Sections 1, 8, 9, 10, 11 (of Patrick Barrow)
and Section 3 (of Dennis Courtney)
 105 Northgate Hall: Sections 2, 5, 6, 7 (of Dennis Courtney)
 Northgate Hall is a brown shingle structure at the north entrance to
the main campus, corner of Hearst and Euclid.


1. Bluebooks will not be needed. There will be space on the exam paper for answers.

2. Calculators will not be permitted.

3. The exam will be closed book except for a crib sheet of size 8-and-1/2-by-11 inches. Both sides of the crib sheet can be inscribed with the information of your choice.

4. Review exercises have been distributed in lecture and can be found on this webpage. Answers to the review exercises will be posted on Monday, September 27.

5. A review session will be held in class on Monday, September 27.

6. Students should bring their SID cards to the exam.

7. Modified office hours for the week of September 27:
Monday - 9:30-11:30 (as usual)
Tuesday - 9:30-11:30
Wednesday - Cancelled



The exam was taken by 212 students. The median score was 53.5/60 (half the class scored 54 or above, half 53 or below). The grade curve for the exam is given by the table below.

x between 0 and 330
x between 33 and 383(x - 33)
x between 38 and 481.5 + .15(x - 38)
x between 48 and 603.0 + .1(x - 48)

42 people (19.8% of the class) scored 60/60. A person scoring 53, the lower edge of the median cutoff, earned 3.5 grade points, the B+/A- borderline.

Complaints about grading on the exam should be given to your GSI before the end of your section meeting on Thursday, October 7. Complaints submitted after the deadline will not be considered.


DATE:Wednesday, November 10
TIME:8:10-9:00 a.m.
ROOM ASSIGNMENTS:Same as for Midterm 1 (see above)

FURTHER INFORMATION: Same as for Midterm 1 (see above) except for the following modifications.

4. Answers to the review exercises will be posted on Monday, November 8.

7. Office hours for the week of November 8 will be:
Monday - 9:30-11:30 (as usual)
Tuesday - 9:30-11:30
Wednesday - Cancelled

REVIEW SESSION - Monday, November 8, 4-7 p.m., 102 Wurster Hall

All are welcome. The review will be led by Patrick Barrow.



The exam was taken by 212 students. The median score was 51.5/60. The grade curve for the exam is given in the table below.

x between 0 and 250
x between 25 and 45.15(x - 25)
x between 45 and 603.0 + .08(x - 45)

4 people scored 60/60. Someone scoring 51 earned 3.48 grade points, someone scoring 52 earned 3.56 grade points. Thus half the class falls within the A- to A+ range.

Grading complaints should be given to your GSI by Wednesday, November 24. Complaints submitted after the deadline will not be considered.


DATE:Wednesday, December 15
TIME:8:00-11:00 a.m.
PLACE:1 Pimental


1. Blue books will not be needed.

2. Scratch paper will be provided.

3. Calculators will not be permitted.

4. The exam will be closed book except for two crib sheets, size eight-and-one-half-by-eleven inches.

5. Students should bring SID cards to the exam.

6. The lectures on December 8 and 10 will be reviews. On December 8 an indication of what to expect on the exam will be provided. The course and instructor evaluations will be conducted at the end of lecture on December 8.

7. Review exercises have been posted. Hard copies will be available in lecture. Answers to the review exercises (users beware) will be posted on December 10.

8. Office hours during the week of December 13 will be Monday and Tuesday, 9:00-12:00 a.m. each day.

9. Graded final exams can be inspected in 779 Evans next semester. Exam solutions will be posted shortly after the completion of the exam.

REVIEW SESSION - Monday, December 13, 4-7 p.m., 10 Evans Hall

All are welcome. The review will be led by Patrick Barrow.

DENNIS COURTNEY'S REVIEW SESSION - Monday, December 13, 2-4 p.m., 3 LeConte