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International Journal of Radiation Biology , 75: 657-752, 1999

Clustering of radiation-produced breaks along chromosomes: modeling the effects on chromosome aberrations

R.K. SACHS, A.M. CHEN, P.J. SIMPSON**, L.R. HLATKY*, P. HAHNFELDT*, and J.R.K. SAVAGE** Dept. Math., University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720. **MRC Radiation and Genome Stability Unit, Harwell, Didcot, OX11 0RD, UK. *DFCI, Harvard University, Boston, MA 02215.
Purpose. For high LET radiations, and perhaps even for hard x-rays, DSBs (DNA double strand breaks) are clustered non-randomly along chromosomes; disproportionately many inter-DSB segments are less than a few Mbp. We analyze the implications of such DSB clustering for chromosome aberrations.
Methods. Chromosome segments between different DSBs within one DSB cluster are assumed too small to detect in the aberration assay. Enumeration or Monte-Carlo computer simulations are used to compute relative frequencies of many observable aberration patterns, apparently simple or visibly complex. The theoretical predictions are compared with x-ray data for human fibroblasts, involving painted chromosomes 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 or 13.
Results and Conclusions. Surprisingly, cryptic DSB multiplicity does not affect the frequency ratios predicted for aberration patterns by a random breakage-and-rejoining model. The model is generally consistent with current data on many different types of aberrations, whether or not DSBs usually occur in cryptic clusters. For a Revell-type exchange model, however, the predictions do depend on clustering configurations; they gradually approach the predictions of the breakage-and-rejoining model as average cluster multiplicity increases. The model is consistent with the data, e.g. with the ratio of visibly complex to apparently simple aberrations, only if there is considerable DSB clustering even at low LET, with ~1.5 or more reactive DSBs per cluster on average.
Running head: DSB clusters and chromosome aberrations
Indexing Phrases. ionizing radiation; DNA double strand break clustering; chromosome aberration models; computer simulations.