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Papers '99-'00
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A Stochastic Cluster Process Formalism For Locations Along Chromosomes of Radiation-Produced DNA Double Strand Breaks

Rainer K. Sachs, Artem L. Ponomarev, and Lynn R. Hlatky


Ionizing radiation produces DSBs (DNA double strand breaks) in chromosomes. For densely ionizing radiation, the DSBs are not spaced randomly along a chromosome: recent data for size distributions of DNA fragments indicate break clustering on kbp-Mbp scales. Different DSB clusters on one chromosome are typically made by different, statistically independent, stochastically structured radiation tracks, and the average number of tracks involved can be small. We therefore model DSB positions along a chromosome as a stationary Poisson cluster process, i.e. a stochastic process consisting of secondary point processes whose locations are determined by a primary point process that is Poisson. Each secondary process represents a break cluster, typically consisting of 1-10 DSBs in a stochastic pattern determined by chromatin geometry and radiation track structure. We derive theorems on the dose-dependence of DSB patterns in the model, which we call the "RLC" (randomly-located-clusters) formalism. The RLC dose-response relation for DNA fragments of a given size is expressed in terms of a dose-independent, one-cluster fragment-size distribution function. The RLC formalism generalizes previous models, fits current data adequately, and allows mechanistically based extrapolations from high-dose experiments to the much lower doses of interest for most applications.
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