Papers on Radiobiology, Biomathematics & Cancer, 2006-2008 (Ray Sachs)
Brenner, D. J., and Sachs, R. K., 2006,
Estimating radiation-induced cancer risks
at very low doses: rationale for using a
linear no-threshold approach, Radiat
Environ Biophys 44:253-6.
Fakir, H., Sachs, R. K., Stenerlow, B., and
Hofmann, W., 2006, Clusters of DNA
double-strand breaks induced by different
doses of nitrogen ions for various LETs:
experimental measurements and theoretical
analyses, Radiat Res 166:917-27.
Shuryak, I., Sachs, R. K., Hlatky, L.,
Little, M. P., Hahnfeldt, P., and Brenner,
D. J., 2006, Radiation-induced leukemia at
doses relevant to radiation therapy:
modeling mechanisms and estimating risks, J
Natl Cancer Inst 98:1794-806.
Ponomarev, A. L., Belli, M., Hahnfeldt, P.
J., Hlatky, L., Sachs, R. K., and
Cucinotta, F. A., 2006, A robust procedure
for removing background damage in assays of
radiation-induced DNA fragment
distributions, Radiat Res 166:908-16.
Brenner, D., and Sachs, R., 2006,
Controverse : les faibles doses de
radiations ionisantes sont-elles
carcinogéniques ? Point de vue
d’experts de l’Université
Columbia, New-York, et de
l’Université de Californie, Berkeley,
BEH 15-16:111-112.
Sachs, R. K., Shuryak, I., Brenner, D.,
Fakir, H., Hlatky, L., and Hahnfeldt, P.,
2007, Second cancers after fractionated
radiotherapy: Stochastic population
dynamics effects, J Theor Biol 249:518-531.
Hodgson, D. C., Koh, E. S., Tran, T. H.,
Heydarian, M., Tsang, R., Pintilie, M., Xu,
T., Huang, L., Sachs, R. K., and Brenner,
D. J., 2007, Individualized estimates of
second cancer risks after contemporary
radiation therapy for Hodgkin lymphoma,
Cancer 110:576-86.
Brenner, D. J., Shuryak, I., Russo, S., and
Sachs, R. K., 2007, Second Breast Cancers:
Causes and Potential Strategies for
Reduction, JCO.
Koh, E. S., Tran, T. H., Heydarian, M.,
Sachs, R. K., Tsang, R. W., Brenner, D. J.,
Pintilie, M., Xu, T., Chung, J., Paul, N.,
and Hodgson, D. C., 2007, A comparison of
mantle versus involved-field radiotherapy
for Hodgkin's lymphoma: reduction in normal
tissue dose and second cancer risk, Radiat
Oncol 2:13.
Duesberg, P., Li, R., Sachs, R., Fabarius,
A., Upender, M. B., and Hehlmann, R., 2007,
Cancer drug resistance: The central role of
the karyotype, Drug Resist Updat.
Levy, D., Reeder, C., Loucas, B., Hlatky,
L., Chen, A., Cornforth, M., and Sachs, R.,
2007, Interpreting chromosome aberration
spectra, J Comput Biol 14:144-55.
Ponomarev, A. L., Belli, M., Hahnfeldt, P.
J., Hlatky, L., Sachs, R. K., and
Cucinotta, F. A., 2007, Subtraction of
background damage in PFGE experiments on
DNA fragment-size distributions, Radiat
Environ Biophys.