Mathematics H113
Spring, 2003

Course Control Number 54939

Professor Ken Ribet

photo of Ribet on Evans 7th floor

885 Evans Hall

Office: 510 642 0648
Fax: 510 642 8204

Office hours Math 110 students in Ribet's office,

Lectures: 5 Evans Hall, TuTh 2:10-3:30


Abstract Algebra, second edition, by David Dummit and Richard Foote. See Richard M. Foote's homepage for information about this book, including errata for the current edition and for previous editions.

Graduate Student Instructor photo of Eli Grigsby

The GSI for all Math 113 classes is Eli Grigsby. She holds office hours in room 891 on Wednesdays 10-3, and on Thursdays 8-11 and 4-6.

Examinations students taking mt1

In preparing for the exams, you might find my directory of older exams somewhat useful. These exams were given by me in 1984 and 1991. (The midterms were 50 minutes long.) Also, it's probably worth checking out the Moffitt Library Exam Files as well.


Course grades were a function of your "Total" grade. This number is the average of your two MT grades, plus your final grade, plus a composite HW grade between 0 and 25. This latter grade was computed in the following way: I took your 14 homework grades and divided each by the maximum possible grade for the assignment. That gave me 14 numbers between 0 and 1. I added them together and subtracted the smallest; this left me with a number between 0 and 13. I multiplied the resulting number by 25/13.

The intention here was to make the four course components count roughly as follows: Homework 25%, midterms 15% each, final 45%.

In this class, there were 28 registered students. Two students deserve special mention: one didn't take the final and failed, while the other took the course P/NP and got a P. The remaining 26 students received 12 As, 11 Bs and 3 Cs. This distribution is similar to those of other H113 classes in recent years.

SID mod 100 MT1 MT2 Final HW Total Grade
GAUSS 30 30 45 25 100.00 A++
4 9 19 12 21.58 47.58 B-
6 24 30 28 18.17 73.17 A
7 14 18 20 18.94 54.94 B+
8 19 22 24 18.12 62.62 B+
11 24 28 37 19.18 82.18 A+
11 13 30 25 21.81 68.31 A-
15 20 29 26 22.30 72.80 A
16 17 22 25 22.04 66.54 A-
16 23 26 34 22.33 80.83 A
19 18 16 11 17.75 45.75 B-
31 12 15 15 20.04 48.54 B
35 22 18 20 12.96 52.96 B+
37 24 30 34 23.42 84.42 A+
40 13 30 45 14.81 81.31 A+
46 9 10 8 13.39 30.89 C
47 22 30 34 18.88 78.88 A
56 15 19 12 14.62 43.62 C
57 17 20 22 8.45 48.95 B
73 13 28 17 19.67 57.17 B+
76 23 12 6 15.73 39.23 C
80 22 24 28 21.40 72.40 A
84 20 18 15 14.58 48.58 B
85 20 30 22 21.25 68.25 A-
90 19 22 32 20.25 72.75 A
91 16 18 13 16.62 46.62 B-
99 14 22 19 10.37 47.37 B-
XX 8 19 18 13.94 45.44 P

Homework Assignments

Homework will be assigned weekly and will be due on Thursdays. (Midterms wreak havoc on homework schedules, but I'll do my best to keep to this schedule.)
  1. Assignment due January 23, 2003:
  2. Assignment due January 30, 2003:
  3. Assignment due February 6, 2003:
  4. Assignment due February 13, 2003: [comment]
  5. Assignment due February 20, 2003:
  6. Assignment due February 27, 2003:
  7. Assignment due March 6, 2003: [comments]
  8. Assignment due March 13, 2003: [comments]
  9. Assignment due March 20, 2003: [comments]
  10. Assignment due April 3, 2003:
  11. Assignment due Tuesday, April 15, 2003:
  12. Assignment due April 24, 2003:
  13. Assignment due May 1, 2003: [comments]
  14. Assignment due May 8, 2003: [comments]

Anonymous Feedback

Please let me know what I'm doing right and what I'm doing wrong. Constructive feedback is always welcome; don't hesitate to propose changes. You might be inspired by the comments that were made by students in my course three semesters ago.
The comment box is no longer functional; the course has ended. However, you can still read the comments that were submitted when the box was working.