A list of the 665 25 dimensional unimodular lattices together with an explanation of how to use it.
A list of the 121 25 dimensional even lattices of determinant 2 The table lists the root system and the order of the automorphism group modulo the reflection group.
A list of 24 norm 0 vectors of II25,1 corresponding to the 24 Niemeier lattices. They are preceded by the number of simple roots having inner products 0,1, or 2 with them (except for the case of the norm 0 vector corresponding to the Leech lattice, where the number of simple roots having inner product -1 is given as -1 instead of infinity).
Lists of representatives of the 24+121+665+2825 orbits of primitive vectors of norm 0, -2, -4, -6 in the lattice II25,1. The files list the height, root0,root1, root2, root system, group, and the coordinates n0-n25. (A * in front of the root system means type 1).
Lists of the root systems, group order, and other information for the norm 0, norm -2, and norm -4 vectors of the even 26 dimensional Lorentzian lattice II25,1.
All simple roots of II25,1 having inner product 0,-1,-2 with a norm -4 vector in the tables above or having inner product -1 or 0 with a norm -2 or norm 0 vector (not corresponding to the Leech lattice) above.
A draft list of the 26 dimensional even lattices of determinant 3 with no norm 6 roots. There are 4 or 5 small problems in these tables that I have not yet resolved. The total number of 26 dimensional even lattices of determinant 3 is between 677 and 681. (Update in 2016: Thomas Megarbane has settled the ambiguities and shown that the number is 678.)
O. King's table of masses of 32 dimensional even unimodular lattices with any given root system.
For many more tables of lattices see Sloane and Nebe's lattice catalogue or Martinet's tables of perfect lattices.