1 |
Th, 8/27 |
Basics in Riemannian Geometry [Pet, Lee, dCa], Basic properties of the Ricci flow, short-time existence [BK17, Appendix A], [Kry] |
2 |
Tu, 9/1 |
Short-time Existence, Evolution of geometric quantities, Distance distortion estimates |
3 |
Th, 9/3 |
Uhlenbeck's trick, Bianchi identity for the gradient of the heat equation, Evolution of curvature quantities |
4 |
Tu, 9/8 |
Scalar weak and strong maximum principle, Applications |
5 |
Th, 9/10 |
Further applications of the scalar weak and strong maximum principles,
Local and global derivative estimates of the curvature tensor (Shi's estimates), Long-time existence, Barrier and Viscosity sense
6 |
Tu, 9/15 |
Maximum Principles in vector bundles, Applications |
7 |
Th, 9/17 |
Rigidity discussion of the strong maximum principle, Hamilton's Ricci > 0 theorem
8 |
Tu, 9/22 |
Survey of other preserved curvature conditions, Hamilton-Ivey Pinching [Bre10, Bre19, BS09, BW08, Wil13] |
9 |
Th, 9/24 |
Generalizations of the weak maximum principle [Bam15, BCW, Bei19], Geometric compactness theorems [BBS] |
10 |
Tu, 9/29 |
Compactness of RFs, Further examples of singularity formation, Solitons, Perelman's \(\mathcal{F}\) and \(\mathcal{W}\)-functional |
11 |
Th, 10/1 |
Perelman's No Local Collapsing Theorem based on the \(\mathcal{W}\)-functional, Perelman's Harnack estimate, \(\mathcal{L}\)-geometry |
12 |
Tu, 10/6 |
\(\mathcal{L}\)-geometry continued, alternate proof of the No Local Collapsing Theorem |
13 |
Th, 10/8 |
Hein and Naber's Poincare and Log-Sobolev inequalities and heat kernel bounds, Hypercontractivity, Integral Gaussian heat kernel estimates, pointed Nash-entropy |
14 |
Tu, 10/13 |
Gradient estimates for heat equations, More on the pointed Nash-entropy, Variance bounds, lower volume bounds |
15 |
Th, 10/15 |
More on heat kernel bounds, Upper heat volume bounds, Upper volume bounds, \(P^*\)-parabolic-neighborhoods, \(\varepsilon\)-regularity theorem |
Tu, 10/20 |
16 |
Th, 10/22 |
Basics on metric measure spaces and the Wasserstein distance |
17 |
Tu, 10/27 |
Metric flows, basic properties, continuity of time-slices |
18 |
Th, 10/29 |
The space of metric flow pairs, \(\mathbb{F}\)-convergence, compactness |
19 |
Tu, 11/3 |
Intrinsic metric flows, the regular part of a metric flow, smooth convergence |
20 |
Th,11/5 |
partial regularity of the limit |
21 |
Tu, 11/10 |
partial regularity of the limit |
22 |
Th, 11/12 |
partial regularity of the limit |
23 |
Tu, 11/17 |
partial regularity of the limit |
24 |
Th, 11/19 |
Ricci flows in dimension 3 |
25 |
Tu, 11/24 |
Ricci flows with surgery in dimension 3 |
Th, 11/26 |
26 |
Tu, 12/1 |
Ricci flows with surgery in dimension 3 |
27 |
Th, 12/3 |
singular Ricci flows in dimension 3 |
28 |
Tu, 12/8 |
singular Ricci flows in dimension 3 |
[Bam15] |
R. Bamler, Stability of symmetric spaces of noncompact type under Ricci flow,
Geom. Funct. Anal. 25 (2015), no. 2, 342-416. |
[BBS] |
D. Burago, Y. Burago, S. Ivanov, A course in metric geometry,
Graduate Studies in Mathematics, 33. American Mathematical Society |
Background on Gromov-Hausdorff convergence, length spaces, etc. |
[BCW] |
R. Bamler, E. Cabezas-Rivas, B. Wilking, The Ricci flow under almost non-negative curvature conditions,
Invent. Math. 217 (2019), no. 1, 95-126 |
[Bei19] |
S. Beitz, Bianchi-convex sets and a new maximum principle for the Ricci flow |
[Bre10] |
S. Brendle, Ricci flow and the sphere theorem,
Graduate Studies in Mathematics, 111. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2010 |
[Bre19] |
S. Brendle, Ricci flow with surgery on manifolds with positive isotropic curvature,
Ann. of Math. (2) 190 (2019), no. 2, 465–559 |
[BK17] |
R. Bamler, B. Kleiner, Uniqueness and stability of Ricci flow through singularities |
Appendix A contains a discussion of the Ricci-DeTurck flow. Note that due to technical reasons we consider a slightly more general setting in this paper. More specifically, we allow the Ricci flow equation to hold up to a small error. I recommend setting this error to zero for the purpose of this class. This will simplify some computations. |
[BS09] |
S. Brendle, R. Schoen, Manifolds with 1/4-pinched curvature are space forms,
J. Amer. Math. Soc. 22 (2009), no. 1, 287–307 |
[BW08] |
C. Böhm, B. Wilking, Manifolds with positive curvature operators are space forms,
Ann. of Math. (2) 167 (2008), no. 3, 1079-1097 |
[CM] |
O. Chodosh, C. Mantoulidis, Lecture notes |
These are lecture notes from a previous Ricci flow class at Stanford. Towards the end of this class, I plan to cover different topics this time and hopefully improve certain parts, but they might still be helpful. |
[CK] |
B. Chow, D. Knopf, The Ricci flow: an introduction, Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, 110, AMS |
[CLN] |
B. Chow, P. Lu, L. Ni Hamilton's Ricci flow, Graduate Studies in Mathematics, 77, AMS |
[Cho1] |
B. Chow et al, The Ricci flow: techniques and applications. Part I. Geometric aspects, Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, 135, AMS |
[Cho2] |
B. Chow et al, The Ricci flow: techniques and applications. Part II. Analytic aspects, Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, 144, AMS |
[Cho3] |
B. Chow et al, The Ricci flow: techniques and applications. Part III. Geometric-analytic aspects, Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, 163, AMS |
[Cho4] |
B. Chow et al, The Ricci flow: techniques and applications. Part IV. Long-time solutions and related topics, Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, 206, AMS |
[dCa] |
M. P. do Carmo, Riemannian geometry, Birkhäuser |
More condensed than [Pet], [Lee] |
[Kry] |
N. Krylov, Lectures on elliptic and parabolic equations in Hölder spaces, Graduate Studies in Mathematics, 12 |
[Lee] |
J. Lee, Introduction to Riemannian manifolds, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 176 |
Background on Riemannian geometry, fewer details but easier read than [Pet] |
[Pet] |
P. Peterson, Riemannian geometry, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 171 |
Background on Riemannian geometry and geometric compactness theorems |
[Top] |
P. Topping, Lectures on the Ricci flow |
[Wil13] |
B. Wilking, A Lie algebraic approach to Ricci flow invariant curvature conditions and Harnack inequalities,
J. Reine Angew. Math. 679 (2013), 223–247 |
Puzzle for the Zoom ID
In order to protect this class from Zoom-bombers, I need to ask you to solve one of my favorite puzzles (© Arthur Engel).
The Zoom ID can be obtained by multiplying the answer of this puzzle with 45878932671.
Most inhabitants of the island of Sikinia are shepherds.
It has been a long tradition that a sheep on Sikinia is worth as many Kolotniks (the local currency) as there are sheep its flock.
Once upon a time, a shepherd died and left his entire flock to his son and daughter.
The siblings decided to sell the flock and distribute the money evenly.
In order to speed up the process, they placed all Kolotniks on a table and then alternatingly drew 10 Kolotniks from the heap until there was no money left over.
The son drew first and the daughter ended up drawing the remaining Kolotniks.
At the end, the daughter complained: "That's unfair! There weren't 10 Kolotniks left over in the last turn."
The son replied: "You are right. Why don't you take my pocket knife. Then we are even."
How many Kolotniks is a pocket knife on the island of Sikinia?