Papers by Peter Koroteev


  1. “On the Quantum K-theory of Quiver Varieties at Roots of Unity”
    P. Koroteev and A. Smirnov
    arXiv: [2412.19383][math.AG]

Journal articles

  1. “Quantum K-Theory and Integrability;
    P. Koroteev
    arXiv: [2412.19570][math-ph]
    Proceedings of GLSM at 30, to appear
  2. “Quantum Geometry, Integrability, and Opers”
    P. Koroteev
    arXiv: [2312.17500][math.RT]
    Proceedings of Elliptic Integrable Systems and Representation Theory, to appear
  3. “The Zoo of Opers and Dualities”
    P. Koroteev and A. Zeitlin
    arXiv: [2208.08031][math.AG]
    Int. Math. Res. Not. in press
  4. “3d Mirror Symmetry for Instanton Moduli Spaces”
    P. Koroteev and A. Zeitlin.
    arXiv: [2105.00588[math.AG]
    Commun. Math. Phys. 403, 1005–1068 (2023).
  5. “Branes and DAHA Representations”
    S. Gukov, P. Koroteev, D. Pei, S. Nawata, and I. Saberi.
    arXiv: [2206.03565][]
    SpringerBriefs, ISBN 978-3-031-28154-9 (2023).
  6. “q-Opers, QQ-Systems and Bethe Ansatz II: Generalized Minors”
    P. Koroteev and A. Zeitlin.
    arXiv: [2108.04184][math.AG]
    J. Reine Angew. Math. (Crelle J.) (2023) 271.
  7. “Double Inozemtsev Limits of the Quantum DELL System”
    arXiv: [2110.02157][hep.TH]
    Phys. Lett. B 826 (2022) 136919.
  8. “Toroidal q-Opers”
    arXiv: 2007.11786[math.AG]
    J. of the Inst. of Math. of Jussieu, 1-62.
  9. “Quantum K-theory of Quiver Varieties and Many-Body Systems”
    P. Koroteev, P. P. Pushkar, A. Smirnov and A. M. Zeitlin.
    arXiv:1705.10419 [math.AG]
    Selecta Math. 27 (2021) 87.
  10. “q-Opers, QQ-System and Bethe Ansatz”
    E. Frenkel, P. Koroteev, D. Sage, and A. Zeitlin.
    arXiv: 2002.07344[math.AG]
    J. of Europ. Math. Soc., in press.
  11. “A-type Quiver Varieties and ADHM Moduli Spaces”
    P. Koroteev.
    arXiv:1805.00986 [math.AG]
    Commun. Math. Phys. 381 (2021) 175.
  12. “On Dimensional Transmutation in 1+1D Quantum Hydrodynamics”
    A. Gorsky, P. Koroteev, O. Koroteeva, and A. Vainshtein
    arXiv: 1910.02606[hep.TH]
  13. J.Math.Phys. 61 (2020) 082302 .
  14. (SL(N),q)-opers, the q-Langlands correspondence, and quantum/classical duality”
    P. Koroteev, D. S. Sage and A. M. Zeitlin.
    arXiv: 1811.09937 [math.RT]
    Commun. Math. Phys. 381 (2021) 175.
  15. “On Quiver W-algebras and Defects\from Gauge Origami”
    P. Koroteev
    arXiv: [1908.04394][hep.TH]
    J.Phys.Lett. B800 (2020) 10.
  16. “The Quantum DELL System”
    P. Koroteev, S. Shakirov
    arXiv: [1906.10354][hep.TH]
    Lett. Math. Phys. 110 969-999 (2020).
  17. “qKZ/tRS Duality via Quantum K-Theoretic Counts”
    P. Koroteev and A. M. Zeitlin.
    arXiv:1802.04463 [math.AG]
    Math.Res.Lett. 28 (2021) 435.
  18. “On Elliptic Algebras and Large-n Supersymmetric Gauge Theories”
    P. Koroteev and A. Sciarappa.
    arXiv:1601.08238 [hep-th]
    J. Math. Phys. 57, no. 11, 112302 (2016)
  19. “Quantum Hydrodynamics from Large-n Supersymmetric Gauge Theories”
    P. Koroteev and A. Sciarappa.
    arXiv:1510.00972 [hep-th]
    Lett. Math. Phys. 108, no. 1, 45 (2018)
  20. “Defects and Quantum Seiberg-Witten Geometry”
    M. Bullimore, H. C. Kim and P. Koroteev.
    arXiv:1412.6081 [hep-th]
    JHEP 1505, 095 (2015)
  21. “Resurgence and Holomorphy: From Weak to Strong Coupling”
    A. Cherman, P. Koroteev and M. Unsal.
    arXiv:1410.0388 [hep-th]
    J. Math. Phys. 56, no. 5, 053505 (2015)
  22. “On Three Dimensional Quiver Gauge Theories and Integrability”
    D. Gaiotto and P. Koroteev.
    arXiv:1304.0779 [hep-th]
    JHEP 1305, 126 (2013)
  23. “Good IR Duals of Bad Quiver Theories”
    A. Dey and P. Koroteev.
    arXiv:1712.06068 [hep-th]
    JHEP 1805, 114 (2018)
  24. “On Three-Dimensional Quiver Gauge Theories of Type B”
    A. Dey, A. Hanany, P. Koroteev and N. Mekareeya.
    arXiv:1612.00810 [hep-th]
    JHEP 1709, 067 (2017)
  25. “Non-Abelian Vortex in Four Dimensions as a Critical String on a Conifold”
    P. Koroteev, M. Shifman and A. Yung.
    arXiv:1605.08433 [hep-th]
    Phys. Rev. D 94, no. 6, 065002 (2016)
  26. “Studying Critical String Emerging from Non-Abelian Vortex in Four Dimensions”
    P. Koroteev, M. Shifman and A. Yung.
    arXiv:1605.01472 [hep-th]
    Phys. Lett. B 759, 154 (2016)
  27. “Mirror Symmetry in Three Dimensions via Gauged Linear Quivers”
    A. Dey, A. Hanany, P. Koroteev and N. Mekareeya.
    arXiv:1402.0016 [hep-th]
    JHEP 1406, 059 (2014)
  28. “Three Dimensional Mirror Symmetry and Integrability”
    P. Koroteev.
    Proc. Symp. Pure Math. 88, 317 (2014).
  29. “On the Integrability of Four Dimensional N=2 Gauge Theories in the Omega Background”
    H. Y. Chen, P. S. Hsin and P. Koroteev.
    JHEP 1308, 076 (2013)
  30. “Statistical mechanics of Coulomb gases as quantum theory on Riemann surfaces”
    T. Gulden, M. Janas, P. Koroteev and A. Kamenev.
    arXiv:1303.6386 [cond-mat.stat-mech]
    J. Exp. Theor. Phys. 117, 517 (2013)
  31. “BPS States in Omega Background and Integrability”
    K. Bulycheva, H. Y. Chen, A. Gorsky and P. Koroteev.
    arXiv:1207.0460 [hep-th]
    JHEP 1210, 116 (2012)
  32. “On Extended Supersymmetry in Two and Four Dimensions”
    P. A. Koroteev.
    PhD Thesis
  33. “Causality and Lifshitz holography”
    P. Koroteev.
    Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 216, 245 (2011).
  34. “Quantum Dynamics of Low-Energy Theory on Semilocal Non-Abelian Strings”
    P. Koroteev, M. Shifman, W. Vinci and A. Yung.
    arXiv:1107.3779 [hep-th]
    Phys. Rev. D 84, 065018 (2011)
  35. “Large-N Solution of the Heterotic Weighted Non-Linear Sigma-Model”
    P. Koroteev, A. Monin and W. Vinci.
    arXiv:1009.6207 [hep-th]
    Phys. Rev. D 82, 125023 (2010)
  36. “On the Null Energy Condition and Causality in Lifshitz Holography”
    C. Hoyos and P. Koroteev.
    arXiv:1007.1428 [hep-th]
    DOI:10.1103/PhysRevD.82.109905, 10.1103/PhysRevD.82.084002
    Phys. Rev. D 82, 084002 (2010), Erratum: [Phys. Rev. D 82, 109905 (2010)]
  37. “Large-N Solution of the Heterotic N=(0,1) Two-Dimensional O(N) Sigma Model”
    P. Koroteev and A. Monin.
    arXiv:1003.2645 [hep-th]
    Phys. Rev. D 81, 105001 (2010)
  38. “Wilson Loops in Gravity Duals of Lifshitz-like Theories”
    P. Koroteev and A. V. Zayakin.
    arXiv:0909.2551 [hep-th]
    ITEP-TH-40-09, FTPI-MINN-09-33, UMN-TH-2813-09
  39. “Comments on Holography with Broken Lorentz Invariance”
    I. Gordeli and P. Koroteev.
    arXiv:0904.0509 [hep-th]
    Phys. Rev. D 80, 126001 (2009)
  40. “Spectra of Field Fluctuations in Braneworld Models with Broken Bulk Lorentz Invariance”
    P. Koroteev and M. Libanov.
    arXiv:0901.4347 [hep-th]
    Phys. Rev. D 79, 045023 (2009)
  41. “Integrable systems and quantum deformations”
    P. Koroteev.
    AIP Conf. Proc. 1182, 513 (2009).
  42. “Quantum Deformations of the One-Dimensional Hubbard Model”
    N. Beisert and P. Koroteev.
    arXiv:0802.0777 [hep-th]
    J. Phys. A 41, 255204 (2008)
  43. “On Existence of Self-Tuning Solutions in Static Braneworlds without Singularities”
    P. Koroteev and M. Libanov.
    arXiv:0712.1136 [hep-th]
    JHEP 0802, 104 (2008)
  44. “Morse theory in field theory”
    P. Koroteev and A. V. Zayakin.
    207–220, Softex, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2007