John C. Neu, Ph.D.
J. Chen, J. Neu, M. Miyata, G. Oster,
A mechanochemical model for mycoplasma motility,
Biophys. J., submitted.
Y. Farjoun, J.C Neu,
After nucleation---growth and coarsening in aggregation kinetics,
Phys. Rev. E, submitted.
L. Guo, J. P. Cranford, J. C. Neu, W. Krassowska Neu,
Activating function of needle electrodes in anisotropic tissue,
Med. Biol. Eng. Comput., submitted.
J. Neu, J. Farjoun,
Exhaustion of nucleation in a closed system,
2009 SIAM Annual Meeting, July 6-10, Denver, CO, 2009.
J. Neu, A. Carpio, L. Bonilla,
Theory od surface deposition from boundary layer containing condensable
vapor and particles,
Proceedings of ECMI'08 Symposium, London, 2008, in press.
W. Krassowska Neu, J. C. Neu,
Mechanism of irreversible electroporation in cells: Insight from the models,
In: Irreversible Electroporation, B. Rubinsky, Ed.,
Springer, in press.
J.C. Neu, A. Carpio, L.L. Bonilla,
Theory of surface deposition from boundary layer containing condensable
vapour and particles, J. Fluid Mech., 626: 183-210, 2009.
W. Krassowska Neu, J. C. Neu,
Theory of electroporation, pp. 133-161,
In: Cardiac Bioelectric Therapy. Mechanisms and Practical Applications,
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Y. Farjoun, J.C Neu,
Exhaution of nucleation of nucleation in a closed system
Phys. Rev. E, Vol.78 (051402): 1-7, 2008.
L. Bonilla, A. Carpio, J. Neu,
Kinetics of nucleation and growth: Classical nucleation and helium
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in ``Math Everywhere: Deterministic and Stochastic Modeling in Biomedicine,
Economics and Industry,'' G. Aletti, M. Burger, D. Morale (Eds.),
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(Proceedings Commemorating V. Capasso's 60th Birthday).
Y. Farjoun, J. Neu,
An asymptotic solution of aggregation dynamics, pp. 368--375,
Progress in Industrial Mathematics,
Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Mathematics in Industry,
Leganes, Madrid--Spain, July 10-14, 2006.
L.L Bonilla, A. Carpio, J.C.Neu, and W.G. Wolfer,
Kinetics of helium bubble formation in nuclear materials,
Physica D 222: 131-140, 2006.
J.C. Neu and W. Krassowska,
Singular perturbation analysis of the pore creation transient,
Phys. Rev. E 74 (031917): 1-9, 2006.
O. Sliusarenko, J. Neu, D.R. Zusman, and G. Oster,
Accordion waves in Myxococcus xanthus,
Proc. Natl Acad. Sci., 103: 1534-1539, 2006.
L. L. Bonilla, and A. Carpio, Y. Farjoun, and J. C. Neu,
Asymptotic and numerical studies of the Becker-Doring model for transient
homogeneous nucleation,
Markov Processes Relat. Fields, 12: 341-365, 2006.
J. C. Neu, W. Krassowska,
Computationally efficient method of simulating creation of electropores,
Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 51: 247-248, 2006.
Y. Farjoun, J.C Neu,
The tallest column - A dynamical system approach using a symmetry solution
Studies in Applied Mathematics, 115: 319-337, 2005.
Y. Farjoun, J.C Neu,
The optimal shape of a javelin,
Studies in Applied Mathematics, 115: 339-354, 2005.
J. C. Neu, L. L. Bonilla, and A. Carpio,
Igniting homogeneous nucleation, Phys. Rev. E, 71 (021601), 2005.
O. Igoshin, J. C. Neu, G. Oster,
Developmental waves in Myxobacteria: A distinctive pattern formation mechanism,
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K. C. Smith, J. C. Neu, and W. Krassowska,
Model of creation and evolution of stable macropores for DNA delivery
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J. C. Neu, K. C. Smith, and W. Krassowska,
Electrical energy required to form large conducting pores,
Bioelectrochem., 60: 107-114, 2003
M. Grabe, J. C. Neu, G. Oster, P. Nollert,
Protein interactions and membrane geometry,
Biophys. J., 84: 854-868, 2003.
J. C. Neu and W. Krassowska,
Modeling postshock evolution of large electropores,
Phys. Rev. E, 67 (021915): 1-12, 2003.
J. C. Neu, J. A. Ca\~{n}izo, and L. L. Bonilla,
Three eras of micellization,
Phys. Rev. E, 66 (061406), 2002.
M. Grabe, J. Neu, G. Oster, and P. Nollert,
Protein aggregation in the lipid cubic phase,
Biophys. J., 82: 535A, 2002.
W. Krassowska, B. A. Stone, and J. C. Neu,
Electrical stimulation of cardiac cells.
In "Quantitative Cardiac Electrophysiology", C. Cabo and D. S. Rosenbaum, Eds.,
Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, NY, pp. 139-197, 2002.
W. Krassowska, J. C. Neu,
Post-shock evolution of pores,
Ann. Biomed. Eng., 29: S101, 2001
K.S. Kim, J. Neu, G. Oster,
Effect of protein shape on multibody interactions between membrane
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J. C. Neu and L. L. Bonilla,
Classical kinetic theory of nucleation and coarsening,
In Mathematical Modeling for Polymer Processing,
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K.S. Kim, J.C. Neu, G.F. Oster,
Many-body forces between membrane inclusions: A new pattern-formation
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J.C. Neu, W. Krassowska,
Asymptotic model of electroporation,
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J.C. Neu,
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K.S. Kim, J. Neu, G. Oster,
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J. C. Neu, R. S. Preissig, Jr., and W. Krassowska,
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J. C. Neu and W. Krassowska,
Criterion for initiation of propagation in an excitable fiber,
Society for Mathematical Biology Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, August 4-8,
W. Krassowska, J. C. Neu,
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W. Krassowska, J. C. Neu,
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W. Krassowska and J. C. Neu,
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W. Krassowska, L. G. Villanueva, and J. C. Neu,
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W. Krassowska and J. C. Neu,
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J. C. Neu and W. Krassowska,
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L.L. Bonilla, J.C. Neu, R. Spigler,
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W. Krassowska and J. C. Neu,
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J.C. Neu,
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J.C. Neu,
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J.C. Neu,
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E.A. Coutsias, J.C. Neu,
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J.C. Neu,
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J.C. Neu,
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J.C. Neu,
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J.C. Neu,
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J.C. Neu,
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J.C. Neu,
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D.S. Cohen, J.C. Neu, R.R. Rosales,
Rotating spiral wave solutions of reaction-diffusion equations,
SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics, 35: 536-547, 1978
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