Section Syllabus and Policies

Here is the section syllabus.

Clarifications about homeworks, quizzes, and "ahead of time:"

Homework is due at the beginning of section. In order to keep everyone honest, I am no longer going to be accepting homework after 15 minutes past the hour. The reason for this is that homework is intended to be practice for outside of class, when you can relax and take your time with the problems. Since it is possible for you to get full credit on homework without getting any question right, you don't need to hurry to try to get the problems right while section is going on. I'd like homework to be turned in at the beginning so everyone can be fully engaged during section.

To explain how you get full credit without getting questions right: if you spend a significant amount of time on a problem and can't figure it out, please write down what you tried to do in order to solve the problem. Only leaving questions blank can lose you homework points.

Quizzes must either be taken in your section or at a pre-arranged time outside of section. This means that if you are unable to be in section while we are taking a quiz and have not pre-arranged another time with me, you will have to miss that quiz. Remember that your lowest quiz score is dropped, in order to account for this kind of unexpected emergency.

Finally, I want to clarify what "ahead of time" means. I am busy (i.e. away from email) from 9 AM every Tuesday until the end of my last section at 6:30 PM. If you want to arrange an exception ahead of time you need to receive verbal or written (e.g. email) confirmation from me before section -- not immediately before, but at least a few hours in advance. Therefore you will have to take into account the fact that I cannot check email or meet with you any time after 9 AM on Tuesday. So it's best to get in touch some time the week before you need an exception.

I hope this makes everything clear; please let me know if you have any questions.