(1/15) Welcome to Math 249! Watch this page for further
(3/6) Problem sets for lectures 1-15 have been posted!
(3/15) As requested, I've also posted LaTeX source for the problem
(4/13) No class Monday 4/15 (I have Covid). I'll send an
update later as to whether we resume in person or online on Wednesday.
(4/16) Class on Wednesday 4/17 will be online. See
announcement on bCourses for the link.
(4/22) Posted a third (less comprehensive) problem set on
Lectures 16-31.
Mark Haiman,
Office hours by appointment
MWF 3:10-4:00, Room 3 Evans
Combinatorics associated with geometry and representation theory of general linear groups GLn and symmetric groups Sn, and possibly other reductive Lie groups and Weyl groups. I plan to cover symmetric functions, Schur functions, Young tableaux and jeu-de-taquin, Coxeter groups and the Bruhat order, and an introduction to quantum groups and crystal graphs.
Combinatorial description of q-analogs and q,t-analogs that arise in the above contexts. Depending on how much time we have, I hope to discuss some of the following: Hall-Littlewood polynomials, Kostka polynomials and charge; Macdonald polynomials, LLT polynomials, and k-Schur functions; q,t-Catalan numbers, parking functions and the shuffle theorem, with an introduction to the Burban-Schiffmann elliptic Hall algebra; Hecke algebras and Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials.
Online links above are available via the UC Library from on campus, or off campus using the library proxy.
I'll post occasional problem sets below, generally due 2-3 weeks after posting. Grades will be based on homework. There will be no exams. To get an A in the course, you should do at least half of the problems, including some of the harder ones. For a B (or less), some smaller fraction of the assigned work will suffice.
Please submit homework electronically by emailing me a PDF file (either typeset, or handwritten scanned or on a tablet). I've posted LaTeX source files in case you want to use them as templates for typesetting solutions.
Lecture notes are on bCourses (currently through Lecture 31).