Meeting Times
Lectures: TuTh 11:00AM-12:30PM
Classroom: 55 Evans
Prof. Ming Gu
Office: 861 Evans
Office Hours: W 12:00-1:30PM, TuTh 12:30-2:00PM or by appointment.
Phone: 642-3145
This semester, we will use the text books by J. Demmel:
Applied Numerical Linear Algebra, published by
SIAM. This is an excellent book covering far more material
than we can ever hope to discuss within one semester. Our
goal is to cover most of the first five chapters.
There are other excellent reference books in matrix computations as well. Anyone who wants to learn more about it should consult the "Bible": Matrix Computations, 3rd Ed., 1996, Johns Hopkins Press, by G. Golub and C. van, Loan. The book by Trefethen and Bau: Numerical Linear Algebra, published by SIAM, is also an excellent text on the subject.
There is a great deal of useful information including numerical software on the WWW. In particular, you can get very efficient and reliable software for solving the problems we discuss in class. The following URLs are particularly important in this regard.
This and many other handouts that are distributed in the class can be found at the class home page. From time to time I will also put some matlab codes there.
There are a total of 100 points you can earn toward your
final grade in the course.
There will be one midterm exam worth 20 points, and one final
exam worth 30 points. Both exams will be cumulative. The
midterm exam will be on Thursday, Oct. 18, in class,
and the final Friday, December 14, 5-8 PM.
There will be 14 homeworks. Only the best 10, each worth 2
points, will be counted towards the final grade. Some
homework sets will be harder than others. They will be a
mixture of analytical problems and programming problems,
which will mostly be done in matlab . For numerical
results, use graphs and plots, instead of tables of numbers,
or worse, pages of computer outputs. These graphs and plots
are easy to create in matlab. All homeworks will be
due on Tuesdays. I will try to make some solutions available
after homework due dates. Most homework problems are from
the texts. They are in general good supplement to class
material and are fun and/or challenging to solve.
There will also be a list of term projects. Students are
strongly encouraged to work on them as groups of up to 5
people. Each group is to work on one project. At the end of
the semester, each group is to present their work on their
project in front of the whole class. The term project is
worth 30 points.
I myself do not have full knowledge of all the issues
involved in the projects. We will work together to resolve
all the issues involved to the best we can. Some of the
topics are still under active attention of the research
community. So it should be fun to work on them.
There will be no make-up exams and no late homeworks, unless
medical or personal emergencies prevented you from working
on them in time.