Talks and Slides

Computable structures of high Scott rank. (slides)
Workshop on Computability, Ghent, Belgium. July 2016.

Borel functors and interpretations. (slides)
Computability in Europe, Paris, France. June 2016.

Scott ranks of models of a theory. (slides)
ASL North American Annual Meeting, Storrs, CT. May 2016.

Scott ranks of models of a theory.
CUNY Model Theory Seminar, New York, NY. December 2015.

Differential-algebraic jet spaces and internality.
Kolchin Seminar in Differential Algebra, New York, NY. December 2015.

Scott ranks of models of a theory.
Notre Dame Logic Seminar, Notre Dame, IL. September 2015.

First-order possibility models and worldizations. (slides)
CSLI Workshop on Logic, Rationality, and Intelligent Interaction, Stanford, CA. May 2015.

Computable structures on a cone. (slides)
Sets and Computations, Singapore. April 2015.

Computable categoricity on a cone. (slides)
ASL North American Annual Meeting, Urbana-Champaign, IL. March 2015.

Computable functors and effective interpretability. (slides)
AMS Sectional Meeting, Georgetown, DC. March 2015.

Independence in computable algebra. (slides)
CMS Annual Meeting, Hamilton, Canada. Dec 2014.

Degree spectra of relations on a cone. (slides)
ASL Logic Colloquium, Vienna, Austria. July 2014.

Degree spectra of relations on a cone..
ASL North American Annual Meeting, Boulder, CO. May 2014.

Degree spectra of relations on a cone..
Graduate Student Conference in Logic, Madison, WI. April 2014.

Jet spaces are C-Moishezon.
McMaster Model Theory Seminar, Hamilton, Canada. November 2011.

Non-standard methods for bounds in differential polynomial rings.
Kolchin Seminar in Differential Algebra, New York, NY. October 2011.