Daniel Lowengrub SF Bay Area, CA
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UC Berkeley, Berkeley - Mathematics PhD Candidate
September 2013 - Present
I do research in the field of algebraic geometry, with an emphasis on applications to non-convex optimization and machine vision. Here is one of my research papers on camera triangulation.
Autodesk, San Francisco - Data Science Intern
May 2015 - September 2015
Designed and implemented a system to classify and retrieve 3D objects. It has been incorporated into Autodesk’s flagship Autocad software.
Ping, Berkeley - Machine Learning Intern
April 2017 - Present
Automated the generation of task codes for legal billing systems and built a server that codes narratives via a post request. Built a named entity recognition system for legal narratives.
UC Berkeley, Berkeley - PhD Candidate
September 2013 - Present
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel - B.S
October 2010 - August 2013
Mathematics, Computer Science
Sports Analytics - Sports Stats from Video
Built a system to track soccer players in live broadcast video and generate player analytics. Here is a video of the system in action.
Linux Memory Management - Patch to the Linux Kernel
Added a patch that improved the efficiency of the search for available memory during the virtual memory allocation process.
Voice Assistant - Voice Controlled Cooking Assistant
Built a system that allows you to follow any online recipe by voice. You can try it out here: cook.euclideum.com