- Class PEXSI::DistSparseMatrix< F >
- Add the parameter of numColLocal
- Member PEXSI::PMatrix< T >::PreSelInv ()
- Move documentation to a more proper place and update the information.
- Member PEXSI::PMatrix< T >::SelInv ()
- Move documentation to a more proper place and update the information.
- Member PEXSI::SuperLUMatrix< Complex >::Distribute ()
- Better way to incorporate both real and complex arithmetic.
- Member PEXSI::SuperLUMatrix< Complex >::DistSparseMatrixToSuperMatrixNRloc (DistSparseMatrix< Complex > &sparseA)
- Better way to incorporate both real and complex arithmetic.
- Member PEXSI::SuperLUMatrix< Complex >::NumericalFactorize ()
- Better way to incorporate both real and complex arithmetic.
- Member PEXSI::SuperLUMatrix< Real >::Distribute ()
- Better way to incorporate both real and complex arithmetic.
- Member PEXSI::SuperLUMatrix< Real >::DistSparseMatrixToSuperMatrixNRloc (DistSparseMatrix< Real > &sparseA)
- Better way to incorporate both real and complex arithmetic.
- Member PEXSI::SuperLUMatrix< Real >::NumericalFactorize ()
- Better way to incorporate both real and complex arithmetic.
- Member PEXSI::SuperLUMatrix< T >::Distribute ()
- Better way to incorporate both real and complex arithmetic.
- Member PEXSI::SuperLUMatrix< T >::DistSparseMatrixToSuperMatrixNRloc (DistSparseMatrix< T > &sparseA)
- Better way to incorporate both real and complex arithmetic.
- Member PEXSI::SuperLUMatrix< T >::NumericalFactorize ()
- Better way to incorporate both real and complex arithmetic.
- Member PEXSI::SuperLUOptions::maxPipelineDepth
- This option should not be here and should be moved into PMatrix.
- Member PPEXSISolveInterface (int nrows, int nnz, int nnzLocal, int numColLocal, int *colptrLocal, int *rowindLocal, double *HnzvalLocal, int isSIdentity, double *SnzvalLocal, double temperature, double numElectronExact, double mu0, double muMin0, double muMax0, double gap, double deltaE, int numPole, int maxIter, double numElectronTolerance, int ordering, int npPerPole, int npSymbFact, MPI_Comm comm, double *DMnzvalLocal, double *EDMnzvalLocal, double *FDMnzvalLocal, double *muPEXSI, double *numElectronPEXSI, double *muMinPEXSI, double *muMaxPEXSI, int *numIter, double *muList, double *numElectronList, double *numElectronDrvList, int *info)
- The estimation of deltaE should be estimated in a more automatic way later, using a few steps of Lanczos.
- Page TODO List
- Add the verbose level to control the amount of output.
- Reuse the symbolic factorization.
- Allow nprow != npcol in the driver routines.
- Add support of 64-bit integer.