void | PEXSI::mpi::Allgatherv (std::vector< Int > &localVec, std::vector< Int > &allVec, MPI_Comm comm) |
void | PEXSI::mpi::Send (std::stringstream &sstm, Int dest, Int tagSize, Int tagContent, MPI_Comm comm) |
void | PEXSI::mpi::Recv (std::stringstream &sstm, Int src, Int tagSize, Int tagContent, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Status &statSize, MPI_Status &statContent) |
void | PEXSI::mpi::Recv (std::stringstream &sstm, Int src, Int tagSize, Int tagContent, MPI_Comm comm) |
void | PEXSI::mpi::Wait (MPI_Request &req) |
void | PEXSI::mpi::Waitall (std::vector< MPI_Request > &reqs, std::vector< MPI_Status > &stats) |
void | PEXSI::mpi::Waitall (std::vector< MPI_Request > &reqs) |
void | PEXSI::mpi::Reduce (Real *sendbuf, Real *recvbuf, Int count, MPI_Op op, Int root, MPI_Comm comm) |
void | PEXSI::mpi::Reduce (Complex *sendbuf, Complex *recvbuf, Int count, MPI_Op op, Int root, MPI_Comm comm) |
void | PEXSI::mpi::Allreduce (Int *sendbuf, Int *recvbuf, Int count, MPI_Op op, MPI_Comm comm) |
void | PEXSI::mpi::Allreduce (Real *sendbuf, Real *recvbuf, Int count, MPI_Op op, MPI_Comm comm) |
void | PEXSI::mpi::Allreduce (Complex *sendbuf, Complex *recvbuf, Int count, MPI_Op op, MPI_Comm comm) |
void | PEXSI::mpi::Alltoallv (Int *bufSend, Int *sizeSend, Int *displsSend, Int *bufRecv, Int *sizeRecv, Int *displsRecv, MPI_Comm comm) |
void | PEXSI::mpi::Alltoallv (Real *bufSend, Int *sizeSend, Int *displsSend, Real *bufRecv, Int *sizeRecv, Int *displsRecv, MPI_Comm comm) |
void | PEXSI::mpi::Alltoallv (Complex *bufSend, Int *sizeSend, Int *displsSend, Complex *bufRecv, Int *sizeRecv, Int *displsRecv, MPI_Comm comm) |
Interface with MPI to facilitate communication.
- Date
- 2012-11-03