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ppexsi_real_old.cpp File Reference

Real arithmetic routines related to SuperLU_DIST. More...

#include "ppexsi.hpp"
#include "pexsi/superlu_ddefs.h"
#include "pexsi/Cnames.h"


 The main namespace.


void pdsymbfact (superlu_options_t *options, SuperMatrix *A, ScalePermstruct_t *ScalePermstruct, gridinfo_t *grid, LUstruct_t *LUstruct, SuperLUStat_t *stat, int *numProcSymbFact, int *info, double *totalMemory, double *maxMemory)
 PEXSI::ErrorHandling (" mpisize != nprow * npcol .")
 PEXSI::ErrorHandling ("Unsupported ordering strategy.")
 PEXSI::ErrorHandling (msg.str().c_str())

Detailed Description

Real arithmetic routines related to SuperLU_DIST.

This file contains the real arithmetic inertia counting routine and the real arithmietic selected inversion interface.

This file is listed separately from other PEXSI routines because the inertia count uses real arithmetic and may not be compatible with the complex superlu_dist.

2014-01-26 Add selected inversion interface.