SuperMatrix | A |
| SuperLU matrix.
superlu_dist_options_t | options |
| SuperLU options. More...
ScalePermstruct_t | ScalePermstruct |
| Saves the permutation vectors. Only perm_c (permutation of column as well as rows due to the symmetric permutation) will be used.
gridinfo_t * | grid |
| SuperLU grid structure.
LUstruct_t | LUstruct |
| Saves the supernodal partition as well as the numerical values and structures of the L and U structure.
SOLVEstruct_t | SOLVEstruct |
| Used for solve for multivectors.
SuperLUStat_t | stat |
| SuperLU statistics.
Int | numProcSymbFact |
| Number of processors used for parallel symbolic factorization and PARMETIS/PT-SCOTCH.
Int | info |
| SuperLU information.
bool | isSuperMatrixAllocated |
bool | isSuperMatrixFactorized |
bool | isScalePermstructAllocated |
bool | isLUstructAllocated |
Int | maxDomains |
superlu_dist_options_t PEXSI::RealSuperLUData_internal::options |
protected |
SuperLU options.
It is important to have
options.RowPerm = NOROWPERM;
to make sure that symmetric permutation is used.
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