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Math 141: Elementary Differential Topology
Fall 2014

Course Information

The official course description from the catalog is: Manifolds in n-dimensional Euclidean space and smooth maps, Sard's Theorem, classification of compact one-manifolds, transversality and intersection modulo 2.


This course meets MWF 9-10am in 30 Wheeler.


Solutions to the final exam on 12/18 have been posted.

Notes have been updated and are current as of 11/25. This contains the linear algebra lemma that was not proved in class on Monday. Minor corrections were made on 11/26.

Solutions to the proof of the Jordan-Brouwer Separation Theorem have been compiled, with minor edits, and are now available for download.

Notes have been uploaded, which contain some expanded discussion of things covered in the book, a sketch of solutions for Chapter 2 Section 5, and the dimension 1 case of the Borsuk-Ulam theorem. The notes are current as of 11/20.

The midterm solutions have been posted. (correction to 4(b) on 10/23)

Last modified 21 May 2024.