Math 1A, Spring 2015

This is the homepage for the Spring 2015 Math 1A discussion sections 104 and 105.

Instructor: Kyle Miller
E-mail: kmill at
Meeting times:
    For 104, MWF 9-10 am in 2 Evans
    For 105, MWF 10-11 am in 6 Evans
Office hours: F 1-3 pm in 850 Evans, or by appointment

The math department publishes a rough course overview.

The first midterm will be Thursday, February 19th in class. The second will be on Thursday, April 9th in class. The final exam will be on Monday, May 11, 11:30-2:30 pm.

1. Course Policies

Grading. 85% exams (20% for each midterm, 45% for the final), 10% quizzes, and 5% homework.

Quizzes. There will be a 20-minute quiz each Wednesday except for exam weeks in section. There will be no makeup quizzes. The two lowest scores will be dropped.

Homework. Homework is due each Monday in section (however the first is due Wednesday, January 28). Late homework will not be accepted. Grade yourselves on a 0-2 scale.

E-mail. I will not answer e-mails that explicitly ask how to solve particular homework problems. There are no guarantees on responding the night before an exam, however I will prioritize administrative and quick math clarification questions.

2. How to study

Step 1. Read the book, go to lecture, section, and office hours, solve examples. Check your understanding.

Step 2. Solve homework problems. If you get stuck, you did not complete Step 1, so go back and figure out exactly what you still need to understand.

3. Worksheets and Quizzes

January 28, 2015
Quiz 1 (Solutions)
February 4, 2015
Quiz 2 (Solutions)
February 11, 2015
Quiz 3 (Solutions)
February 17, 2015
Midterm 1 review
February 19, 2015
Midterm 1 (Solutions)
February 25, 2015
Quiz 4 (Solutions)
March 4, 2015
Quiz 5 (Solutions)
March 11, 2015
Quiz 6 (Solutions)
March 18, 2015
Quiz 7 (Solutions)
April 1, 2015
Quiz 8 (Solutions)
April 6, 2015
Midterm 2 review
April 9, 2015
Midterm 2 (Solutions)
April 15, 2015
Quiz 9 (Solutions)
April 22, 2015
Quiz 10 (Solutions)
April 29, 2015
Quiz 11 (Solutions)
May 6, 2015
Final review