John Lentfer
Department of Mathematics, UC Berkeley
A photo of me
About me

I am a third year PhD student in the math department at UC Berkeley. My advisor is Mark Haiman. My primary research interests are in algebraic and enumerative combinatorics, especially involving symmetric functions. I am currently working on problems related to the combinatorics of diagonal coinvariant spaces, including generalizations to other types and bosonic-fermionic coinvariant spaces. I am also interested in q,t-Catalan numbers, parking functions, Schur-positivity, e-positivity, and more! I completed my BS in mathematics at Harvey Mudd College in 2021.

Office: 1064 Evans Hall
Office Hours: None this semester (Spring 2024)
Pronouns: he/him/his

Seminar and Conference Organization

Summer 2024: I am co-organizing the 21st Fibonacci Conference which will be held July 8-12 at Harvey Mudd College in Claremont, CA.

Spring 2024: I am co-organizing the Combinatorics research seminar and the Combinatorics student seminar with Nicolle González and Mitsuki Hanada.

Fall 2023: I am co-organizing the Combinatorics research seminar with Nicolle González and Mitsuki Hanada.

Spring 2023: I am co-organizing the Combinatorics research seminar with Andrés R. Vindas Meléndez, Christopher Ryba, and Mitsuki Hanada.

Fall 2022: I am co-organizing the Combinatorics student seminar with Mitsuki Hanada. I am also co-organizing the Combinatorics research seminar with Andrés R. Vindas Meléndez, Christopher Ryba, and Mitsuki Hanada.


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  • A conjectural basis for the \((1,2)\)-bosonic-fermionic coinvariant ring. (2024). arXiv.
  • The \(e\)-positivity of the chromatic symmetric function for twinned paths and cycles, with Esther Banaian, Kyle Celano, Megan Chang-Lee, Laura Colmenarejo, Owen Goff, Jamie Kimble, Lauren Kimpel, Jinting Liang, and Sheila Sundaram. (2024). arXiv.
  • Generalized parking function polytopes, with Mitsuki Hanada and Andrés R. Vindas Meléndez. Annals of Combinatorics, 28, 575–613, (2024). arXiv.
Undergraduate Research

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  • A tiling interpretation of a generalized Zeckendorf's theorem, with Arthur T. Benjamin. Integers 22, Paper A104, 35 p. (2022).
  • An introduction to completeness of positive linear recurrence sequences, with Elżbieta Bołdyriew, John Haviland, Phúc Lâm, Steven J. Miller, and Fernando Trejos Suárez. Fibonacci Q. 58, No. 5, 77-90 (2020).
  • Counting on Euler and Bernoulli number identities, with Arthur T. Benjamin and Thomas C. Martinez. Fibonacci Q. 58, No. 5, 30-33 (2020).

Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics; July 22-26, 2024; Bochum, Germany

Summer School in Algebraic Combinatorics at MPI Leipzig; July 15-19, 2024; Leipzig, Germany

Fibonacci Conference at HMC; July 8-12, 2024; Claremont, CA

Combinatorial Legacies of Richard P. Stanley at Harvard; June 3-7, 2024; Cambridge, MA

AMS Western Sectional at SFSU; Speaker; May 4-5, 2024; San Francisco, CA

Georgia Benkart Conference at SLMath; May 1-3, 2024; Berkeley, CA

Bay Area Discrete Math Day; April 20, 2024; Santa Clara, CA

Integrability and Algebraic Combinatorics at IPAM; April 15-19, 2024; Los Angeles, CA

Combinatorial Algebra meets Algebraic Combinatorics at LACIM; January 26-28, 2024; Montréal, QC

Joint Mathematics Meetings; January 3-6, 2024; San Francisco, CA

Dimers: Combinatorics, Representation Theory and Physics at the Graduate Center, CUNY; August 14-25, 2023; New York, NY

Graduate Research Workshop in Combinatorics; July 23-August 4, 2023; Laramie, WY

Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics; July 17-21, 2023; Davis, CA

Lake Michigan Workshop on Combinatorics and Graph Theory; May 13-14, 2023; South Bend, IN

AMS Western Sectional at CSU Fresno; May 6-7, 2023; Fresno, CA

AIM Workshop - Gems of Combinatorics; March 27-31, 2023; San José, CA

Graduate Student Combinatorics Conference at WUSTL; Speaker; March 17-19, 2023; St. Louis, MO

Latinxs in the Mathematical Sciences at IPAM/UCLA; Math Circle co-lead; July 7-9, 2022; Los Angeles, CA


Fall 2023: Head GSI for Math 55: Discrete Mathematics (Section 113) with Sylvie Corteel.

Summer 2022: Instructor for Math N55: Discrete Mathematics (Section 003).

Spring 2022: GSI for Math 1B: Calculus (Sections 203 & 207) with Sung-Jin Oh.