I am a sixth year PhD candidate in the University of California-Berkeley Mathematics department, working with Nikhil Srivastava. My research spans theoretical computer science, probability, and statistical physics, with particular focus on non-backtracking walks, semidefinite programming, and the use of randomness in numerical linear algebra; I'm currently funded by the NSF GRFP. In addition, I am a Berkeley Head Steward in UAW 2865, the union of GSIs, Readers, and Tutors at the University of California. The pronouns I like are she/her.
Point Spectrum of Periodic Operators on Universal Covering Trees
(with Jorge Garza Vargas, Satyaki Mukherjee), Int. Math. Res. Not., to appear.
Spectral Planting and the Hardness of Refuting Cuts, Colorability, and Communities in Random Graphs
(with Afonso Bandeira, Dmitriy Kunisky, Alexander Wein, and Cristopher Moore), COLT (2021), to appear. [arXiv:2008.12237]
Overlaps, Eigenvalue Gaps, and Pseudospectrum under Real Ginibre and Absolutely Continuous Perturbations
(with Jorge Garza Vargas, Archit Kulkarni, andNikhil Srivastava), submitted. [arXiv:2005.08930]
Pseudospectral Shattering, the Sign Function, and Diagonalization in Nearly Matrix Multiplication Time
(with Jorge Garza Vargas, Archit Kulkarni, and Nikhil Srivastava), FOCS (2020).
[arXiv: 1705.01194]
Local Statistics, Semidefinite Programming, and Community Detection
(with Sidhanth Mohanty and Prasad Raghavendra),
SODA (2021), to appear. [arXiv:1911.01960 ]
Gaussian Regularization of the Pseudospectrum and Davies' Conjecture
(with Archit Kulkarni, Satyaki Mukherjee, and Nikhil Srivastava), Commun. Pure Appl. Math, to appear.
[arXiv: 1705.01194]
Vector Colorings of Random, Ramanujan, and Large-Girth Irregular Graphs
(with Luca Trevisan), Preprint
[arXiv: 1705.01194]
The Lovasz Theta Function for Random Regular Graphs, and Community Detection in the Hard Regime
(with Robert Kleinberg and Cristopher Moore),
SIAM J. Computing 48(3):1098–1119 (2019).
[arXiv: 1705.01194]
Information-Theoretic Bounds and Phase Transitions in Clustering, Sparse PCA, and Submatrix Localization
(with Cristopher Moore, Roman Vershynin, Nicolas Verzelen, and Jiaming Xu), IEEE Transactions of Information Theory (2018) 64 No. 7.
Information-Theoretic Thresholds for Community Detection in Sparse Networks (with
Cristopher Moore, Joe Neeman, and Praneeth Netrapalli),
COLT (2016)
Fall 2019: GSI, CS 70 with Profs. Sinclair and Song
Spring 2017: GSI, Math 54 with Prof. Werheim
Fall 2016: GSI, Math 10A with Prof. Ribet
Office: 1045 Evans Hall
Email: first name . m . last name @ berkeley