Lie Theory Workshop, U. C. Berkeley, May 13-14, 2017

Infinite Dimensional Lie Theory

Conference in Honor of Ivan Penkov

About the Conference

The Spring 2017 workshop in the program Lie Groups, Lie Algebras and Their Representations will take place on the campus of the University of California, May 13-14, 2017. This will be a conference in honor of Ivan Penkov with emphasis on Infinite Dimensional Lie Theory. The local organizers are Vera Serganova ( and Joseph Wolf ( The general workshop program web page is

The workshops "Lie Groups, Lie Algebras and their Representations" meet at various western United States campuses for one weekend every few months during the academic year. They are supported by local departments and the National Science Foundation.

The purpose of the program is to communicate results and ideas rather than to deliver polished presentations. The program also serves to acquaint graduate students in this area with a range of researchers in Lie theory and representation theory.

Practical Details

The lectures

will be held in 1015 Evans Hall. Participants will be able to enter the building at the ground level on the west (downhill) side.

Conference Dinner

There will be a no-host conference dinner Saturday night. Right after the first afternoon talk we will try to count the number of people who plan to participate, in order to make a reservation.

To/From the Airport

If you fly: The best way to get from Oakland Airport to Berkeley is Bayporter Express: From the web site you can make online reservations (minimum 48 hours in advance), or you can phone them at 1 (415 or 877) 467-1800. The best way to get from the San Francisco Airport to Berkeley is BART (local rapid transit): In both cases taxis from the airport are very expensive.


Street parking is available weekends on the north side of the Berkeley campus. One algorithm: go 1 to 4 blocks north from the campus on Euclid, and turn left. But check out the signs just in case there are some new restrictions.

Hotel Information

See Be sure to identify yourself as connected to the University of California.