Math 53: Multivariable calculus
UC Berkeley, Fall 2003
[My last name with the last letter
Office phone: 510-642-4329.
Office: 923 Evans.
Tentative office hours: Tuesday 3 - 5
(primarily for Math 53), Thursday 10-11 (primarily for Math 215a).
Head TA
Scott Morrison
[His first name]
The head TA is responsible for managing all section changes, and
enrolling students on the waitlist into the course. If you are on the
waitlist or want to change sections, please see
the instructions here.
Lectures (TuTh)
Lectures take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:10 to 9:30 in 155
Dwinelle. In addition, there are the following discussion sections
which meet on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday:
TA's and discussion sections (MWF)
- Section 101: Ishai Dan-Cohen, 8-9 am, 85 Evans.
- Section 102: Apollo Hogan, 8-9 am, 9 Evans.
- Section 103: Apollo Hogan, 9-10 am, 3109 Etcheverria.
- Section 104: Ishai Dan-Cohen, 9-10 am, 81 Evans.
- Section 105: Jeff Brown, 10-11 am, 71 Evans.
- Section 106: Chenchang Zhu, 10-11 am, 220 Wheeler.
- Section 107: Jeff Brown, 11-12 am, 51 Evans.
- Section 108: Tianbing Chen, 1-2 pm, 285 Cory.
- Section 109: Chenchang Zhu, 12-1 pm, 85 Evans.
- Section 110: Scott Carnahan, 12-1 pm, 3102 Etcheverria.
- Section 111: CLOSED, 1-2pm, 200 Wheeler.
- Section 112: Pace Nielsen, 1-2 pm, 81 Evans.
- Section 113: Pace Nielsen, 2-3 pm, 220 Wheeler.
- Section 114: Tianbing Chen, 3-4 pm, 237 Cory.
- Section 115: Scott Carnahan, 2-3 pm, 109 Morgan.
- Section 116: CLOSED, 4-5 pm, 425 Latimer.
- Section 117: (added 9/8) Fei Han, 9-10am, 3 Evans.
The textbook for this course is Stewart, Calculus: early
transcendentals, fourth edition.
There is also a book of
"worksheets" which must be purchased at Copy Central.
Homework and quizzes
Homework is assigned for each Tuesday/Thursday lecture, see the
syllabus. Homework from a Tuesday lecture is due in the discussion
section on Friday, three days later. Homework from a Thursday lecture
is due in section on the following Monday. You can check your answers
at the back of the book (if you get the wrong answer, try again!) but
you need to turn in solutions, not just answers. Each assignment will
be given a pass/fail grade based on completeness.
There will be a weekly quiz each Wednesday in discussion section,
except for the first week and the weeks of the midterms.
There will be two midterms, on Thursday October 2 and on Thursday
November 13. The final exam is on Thursday December 18. Calculators
and notes will NOT be allowed for the exams.
- Homework and quizzes: 20%
- Midterms #1 and #2: 20% each
- Final exam: 40%
If you miss Midterm #1, then Midterm #2 will count for 40% of your
grade. If you take Midterm #1 but miss Midterm #2, then the final
will count for 60% of your grade. If you take neither Midterm #1 or
Midterm #2, you will fail the course.
More details about the course will be posted here later...
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