Floer theory reading group / seminar
UC Berkeley, 2008-9
Organized by Michael Hutchings
The beginning of this semester was in a "book club" format. The idea
was to read some interesting papers and meet to discuss them. Later we
had lectures on various background topics, and then on some more
advanced topics. The talks are listed below.
- Friday 9/12. The role of
string topology in symplectic field theory by Kai Cieliebak and
Janko Latschev, appendix with Klaus Mohnke.
This paper links a
number of interesting topics together, without too many technical
details (but with honest discussion about what is proved and what is
conjectural). Discussion goals: understand the example in section 7,
and/or learn some of the relevant background. This might be continued
next week.
- Friday 9/19. String topology in symplectic field theory
II. We will continue to discuss the Cieliebak-Latschev paper.
Please bring questions and we will try to answer them together.
- Friday 9/26. No meeting.
- Friday 10/3. String topology in symplectic field theory
III. We will continue to discuss the Cieliebak-Latschev paper.
Please bring questions and we will try to answer them together.
- Friday 10/10. Reeb
vector fields and open book decompositions by Vincent Colin and Ko
- Friday 10/17. Keon Choi will give a lecture on index theory for
holomorphic curves. There is an introduction to this in the lecture
notes by Ka Choi for the course I taught last semester.
- Friday 10/24. No meeting.
- Friday 10/31. Keon Choi, index theory for holomorphic curves, part II.
- Friday 11/7. Vinicius Gripp, Automorphisms of surfaces.
- Friday 11/14. Ka Choi, Open book decompositions.
- Friday 11/21. No meeting.
- Friday 12/5. Sobhan Seyfaddini, Tight versus overtwisted.
- 1/26. Andrew Cotton-Clay, Cylindrical contact homology via open books (after Colin-Honda)
- 2/9. Sobhan Seyfaddini, The Hamiltonian symplectomorphism group.
- 2/23. Sobhan Seyfaddini, The Hofer metric and symplectic displacement energy.
- 4/6. Vinicius Gripp, Telling apart some non-Legendrian isotopic links.
- 4/20. Vinicius Gripp, Contact homology of Legendrian links.