Math 1b: Section 2: Calculus
UC Berkeley, Spring 2006
Final exam. The final is on 5/19, from 12:30-3:30 PM, in 145
and 155
Dwinelle. Here are some practice
finals. These are copied from previous semesters and I haven't
checked them for typos. I also recommend doing the review problems
from the relevant chapters of the book, and carefully going over any
sections (and trying unassigned regular problems in them) that seem
particularly difficult. I will continue to hold Wednesday afternoon
office hours on 5/10 and 5/17. If there is popular demand I can hold
additional office hours before the final (please let me know when you
would like to come). Note that the final will cover the entire
course; roughly half of the exam will be on differential equations.
Second midterm. Here are some practice midterms copied from
past semesters, and some comments on them. I
also strongly recommend practicing on the problems in the book,
including the review problems at the end of Chapter 11. (Solutions to
the review and some of the other problems are now posted.) For the week of the midterm, my
office hours will be Monday 1-4 instead of the usual Wednesday 1-4.
Here are answers to some frequently
asked questions. Update: here are the midterm and solutions. The test (especially
question 6) turned out to be harder than the first midterm, and was
curved accordingly. Here is the curve and score distribution.
First midterm. Click here
for answers to some frequently asked questions about the first
midterm. Some practice midterms from previous semesters can be found here. (I can't
guarantee that these midterms are at the same level of difficulty as
ours will be, and there might also be some typos, but these should at
least give you some rough idea of what to expect.) For the week of
the midterm, my office hours will be Monday 1-4 instead of the usual
Wednesday 1-4. Update: here are the midterm and solutions. Here is the curve and score distribution.
[My last name with the last letter
Office phone: 510-642-4329.
Office: 923 Evans.
Office hours: Wednesday 1-4.
Head TA
Stephen Canon
1079 Evans
The head TA is responsible for managing all section changes, and
enrolling students on the waitlist into the course. His office hours
for the first two weeks of class are Monday 10-12, Wednesday 1-3,
Thursday 3-5, Friday 10-12. To change sections you must see him in
1079 Evans and fill out a form.
Lectures (TuTh)
Lectures take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30 to 5:00 in
Room 1 Pimentel. In addition, there are the following discussion sections
which meet on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (I will find out shortly
about the question marks below):
TA's and discussion sections (MWF)
- Section 201: A Tolland, 8-9, B51 Hildebrand
- Section 202: A Booth, 8-9, 4 Evans
- Section 203: M Goerner, 9-10, 81 Evans.
- Section 204: R Mehta, 9-10, B51 Hildebrand.
- Section 205: J Zhu, 10-11, 220 Wheeler.
- Section 206: P LaVictoire, 11-12, 5 Evans.
- Section 207: B. D'Anna, 12-1, 110 Barker.
- Section 208: M Goerner, 12-1. 7 Evans.
- Section 209: R Mehta, 1-2, 110 Barker.
- Section 210: J Zhu, 1-2, B56 Hildebrand.
- Section 211: P LaVictoire, 2-3, 5 Evans.
- Section 212: Q Li, 2-3, 220 Wheeler.
- Section 214 (pdp): A Dugas, MW 10-12, F 11-12, 230D Stephens.
- Section 215 (pdp): I Berbec, MW 2-430, 230C Stephens.
- Section 216: A Booth, 10-11, 47 Evans.
- Section 217: H Christianson, 2-3, 2 Evans.
- Section 218: Q Li, 11-12, B56 Hildebrand.
- Section 219: B D'Anna, 1-2, 174 Barrows.
The textbook for this course is Stewart, Calculus: early
transcendentals, fifth edition. Earlier editions have more or
less the same mathematical content (I think), but some homework
problems in the fifth edition may be numbered differently, changed, or
missing in earlier editions.
The other required text is a book of "worksheets" which can be
purchased at Copy Central. (As of 1/19 these were listed for sale at
the Bancroft location. I don't know about other locations.) The
worksheets contain practice problems which you will work on in groups
in the discussion sections.
Homework and quizzes
Homework is assigned for each Tuesday/Thursday lecture, see the
syllabus. Homework from a Tuesday lecture is due in the discussion
section on Friday, three days later. Homework from a Thursday lecture
is due in section on the following Monday. You can check your answers
at the back of the book (if you get the wrong answer, try again!) but
you need to turn in solutions, not just answers. You may work in
groups but you must write your own solutions. Each assignment will be
given a pass/fail grade based on completeness. The homework may be
heavy at times. The purpose of the homework is to give you lots of practice
doing calculus. This should be good preparation for the exams.
Some homework solutions wil be posted here
after the assignments are due.
There will be a quiz each Wednesday in discussion section, except for
the first week and the weeks of the midterms. There will be no makeup
quizzes; however, your two lowest quiz scores will be dropped. The
purpose of the quizzes is to help make sure that you keep up with the
material. Mathematics tends to build on itself, so it can be hard to
catch up if you fall behind.
There will be two midterms, in class on Tuesday 2/14 and Tuesday 3/21.
(Note that Friday 2/17 is the deadline to drop a class.) The final
exam is on Friday May 19 from 12:30-3:30. Calculators and notes will
NOT be allowed for the exams. Disabled students requiring
accomodations for exams must submit to the instructor a "letter of
accomodation" from the Disabled Students Program two weeks in advance
for midterms, and six weeks in advance for the final, so that
appropriate arrangements can be made.
Exam grades cannot be changed unless there is an
egregious error such as points added up incorrectly.
There will be no
makeup exams. However, because of the grading scheme below, if you
miss one midterm it will not count.
- Section (homework, quizzes, and participation): 20%
- Midterm1: 15%
- Midterm2: 20%
Final: 45%
The above four grades will be individually converted into numbers
(between 0 and 4.5) that represent letter grades. (For example, an A
corresponds to a number between 4 - 1/6 and 4 + 1/6.) Section grades
will be adjusted slightly to account for the fact that some GSI's
grade harder than others. The above four numbers will then be
averaged to produce the final course grade. The lowest 20% will be
dropped. For example, if Midterm2 is the lowest of the above four
grades, then it does not count, and the course grade is
Grade = (.20 * Section + .15 * Midterm1 + .45 * Final) / .80
If Midterm1 is the lowest of the above four grades, and if Final is the
second lowest, then the course grade is
Grade = (.20 * Section + .20 * Midterm2 + .40 * Final) / .80
Missing the final will result in automatic failure of the course.
Official university policy is that an incomplete grade can be given
only if a medical or other emergency prevents you from completing the
course, if you have documentation such as a doctor's note on
letterhead, and if you are otherwise passing (with a C or above).
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