Here is the score distribution and curve for midterm 1: Raw score Curved grade Number of tests 69-70 A+ 20 63-68 A 85 59-62 A- 65 54-58 B+ 63 50-53 B 46 45-49 B- 42 40-44 C+ 26 36-39 C 18 31-34 C- 12 26-30 D+ 9 22-25 D 8 18-19 D- 4 0-17 F 4 Notes: 1) The curved grade is actually a number from 0 to 4.5. It is determined by the formula C = .07R - .61 where C denotes the curved grade and R denotes the raw score. 2) Subsequent exams might be more difficult, as more challenging material is introduced.