Oops! The second midterm turned out to be harder than I intended. Also I graded a bit more strictly this time (although equally so for everyone). Thus the grades were a lot lower than for the first midterm: the highest score was 40 and the median was 23.5. It doesn't really matter, since the final grades will be curved at the end of the course. However, if you want to improve, I think it is important to go over each question, make sure you understand how to do it, and fill in any gaps in your understanding that the midterm may have exposed. I am also happy to help during office hours. Here is the score distribution: Score range Number of tests 36-40 2 31-35 6 26-30 9 21-25 8 16-20 8 11-15 3 6-10 1 0-5 1 Here are comments on some points that were particularly troublesome: 1a) Hardly anyone got this completely right. Please see the solution sheet for one correct answer. 2a) Many people said something to the effect that if H is a normal subgroup of G then ghg'=h for all g in G and h in H. (Here g' denotes the inverse of g.) However this is not true. All you know is that ghg' is some element of H, which may be different from h. An example where this happens is G=S_3 and H=A_3. (Try it.) A simpler example is when G is any nonabelian group and H=G. If ghg'=h for all g in G and h in H, then H is a subgroup of the center of G, which is a much stronger condition than being normal, i.e. it implies normality but doesn't follow from it. 4a) It is important here to do everything in Z_11. Also, since we are dividing by something of degree 1, the remainder must have degree less than one, i.e. it must be a constant. Here is the complete long division: 3x^2 + 0x + 10 remainder 9 __________________________________ 4x - 1 | x^3 + 8x^2 + 7x - 1 x^3 - 3x^2 ---------- 0x^2 +7x - 1 7x - 10 ----------- 9 5a) Hardly anyone got this completely right. Please see the solution sheet for one correct answer. By the way, this quotient is isomorphic to Z x Z_2. However it takes a bit of work to prove this. Here is an outline of one proof. First let's prove something a bit easier: Z x Z / <(0,2)> is isomorphic to Z x Z_2. One defines an isomorphism by sending the coset of (a,b) to (a,b mod 2). Now one can reduce what we want to this by changing coordinates. Namely by linear algebra there is an automorphism of Z x Z sending (1,0) to (1,1) and (0,1) to (1,2). To see that this works you have to check that the inverse of the corresponding matrix has integer entries, which holds because the determinant is 1 or -1. So every element of Z x Z can be uniquely written as a(1,1) + b(1,2) where a and b are integers, and we can define an isomorphism from Z x Z / <(2,4)> to Z x Z_2 by sending an element of Z x Z to (a,b mod 2). A generalization of this argument shows that if (x,y) is a nonzero element of Z x Z, and if gcd(x,y) = d, then Z x Z / <(x,y)> is isomorphic to Z x Z_d.