Exam | Date | Material covered |
Midterm # 1 |
Sept 25, in class |
Lay, Ch. 1-2-3-4 |
Midterm # 2 |
Nov 4, in class |
Lay, Ch. 4-6 |
Final Exam |
Dec 20
, 11.30-2.30pm |
Lay+NS&S |
You will receive four grades, one for each of the
homework and quizzes, the two midterms and the final exam.
Homework and quizzes count 20%, the same for each midterm and the
final counts for 40%.
The overall grade
roughly based on a curve.
Grades for exams or quizzes can only be changed if there is a clear
error on the part of the grader, such as adding up marks incorrectly
or forgetting to grade a question.
The grade distribution for Math 54 in
recent years was roughly as follows: 25% A, 35%B, 25%C and
15% D/F.
HOWEVER, I would be perfectly happy to give an A+ to everyone if they do
deserve it. At the beginning of the class each one of you is starting at
this mark. Just make sure that you work very hard and you will earn an A+.
The final homework and quiz grade will be computed from the grades for the 30 best homeworks and 10 best quizzes. If you miss the first midterm the grade for the second midterm will count double. If you miss the second then the grade for the final will count for 60%. If you miss both midterms or the final, then you will fail the class. There will be no makeup exams or quizzes.
There will be a quiz given on a day decided by your GSI in the discussion
sections. Details on when homework is collected are left to your individual GSI.
There will be no
quizzes and late homework will not be accepted. Collaboration on
homework is allowed, but you need to write up your own.
The GSI for your section will pick 1-2 problems from each homework assignment and
assign a "Pass/Fail" grade to these randomly chosen problems ( your GSI will give specific instructions for your section ). You have to
attempt all problems and points will be taken out for problems that you do not
try. This is my way of motivating
you to really do all the problems. This will be useful when the midterms and the final exam come
along. You should not be surprised is some of the problems in these tests are identical or very similar to some homework problems.
Following is the list of daily topics and homework assignments. The
lectures do not cover all the course material, so you also need to read
and understand the sections from the book. Reading ahead of the
lectures should help a lot.
I cannot promise that I am going to cover all topics with the same level of
detail. Reading the book CAREFULLY (there is no other way to read mathematics
or science) is the only way to master this material. Another good way is to
try to explain the material to your friends: only then you will realize that
this is good for you too. I encourage people to form groups where you can try
this sort of Socratic method.
Date |
Content |
Homework Assignment |
1 |
8/30 |
Lay, Ch. 1: Linear Equations, 1.1-2 | 1.1:
Odds 1-15, 20, 28;
1.2:Odds 1-15, 23-26,30 |
2 |
9/2 |
Labor Day: |
3 |
9/4 |
Lay, Ch. 1: Linear Equations, 1.3-5 | 1.3: Odds 1-15,
22,25; 1.4:1,5,7,9,11,17,18,29,34;
1.5: 1,5,9,14,24,29-32 |
4 |
9/6 |
Lay, Ch. 1: Linear Equations, 1.6-9 |
1.6: 1,3,9,11,14;
1.7: Odds 1-17,21,22,33-36;
1.8: 1,3,9,11,17;
1.9: Odds 1-17,23,24;
5 |
9/9 |
Lay, Ch. 1,2: Matrix Algebra, 1.10 2.1-3 |
1.10: 1,3,9;
2.1: Odds 1-17,23,24,27;
2.2: 1,3,9,11,19,21,38;
2.3: Odds 1-17,21,24,30;
6 |
9/11 |
Lay, Ch. 2: Matrix Algebra, 2.5, 2.6-7 |
2.5: 1,3,9,11,17;
2.6: Odds 1-17,21,23;
2.7: 1,3,9,11,17,21,23,24
7 |
9/13 |
Lay, Ch. 3: Determinants, 3.1-3 | 3.1: 1,5,9,13,19-22,
41; 3.2:1,3,5,7,11,19,21,27,31,33-35;
3.3:Odds 1-11,21,25,32 |
8 |
9/16 |
Lay, Ch. 4: Vector Spaces, 4.1-3 | 4.1: 1,3,9,11,17,24,27,32; 4.2: Odds 1-17,23,25,30;  4.3: 1,3,9,11,17,21,32,33; | 9 | 9/18 |
Lay, Ch. 4: Vector Spaces, 4.4-5 |
4.4: 1,3,9,11,17,27;
4.5: Odds 1-17,26,27
10 |
9/20 |
Lay, Ch. 4: Vector Spaces, 4.6-7 |
4.6: Odds 1-17,23,33;
4.7: 1,3,9,11,17
11 |
9/23 |
Review: Lay, Ch. 1-2-3-4 | |
12 |
9/25 |
Midterm 1 (Chapters 1,2,3,4) |
13 |
9/27 |
Lay, Ch. 5: Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, 5.1-2 |
5.1: 1,3,9,11,17,21;
5.2: Odds 1-17,21;
14 | 9/30 |
Lay, Ch. 5:Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, 5.3 | 5.3: 1,3,9,11,17,21 |
15 | 10/2 |
Lay, Ch. 5: Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, 5.4 |
5.4: 1,3,9,11,17;
16 |
10/4 |
Lay, Ch. 5: Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, 5.5 | 5.5: Odds 1-17 |
17 |
10/7 |
Lay, Ch. 6: Orthogonality, 6.1 |
18 | 10/9 |
Lay, Ch. 6: Orthogonality, 6.2 |
19 | 10/11 |
Lay, Ch. 6: Orthogonality, 6.3 |
6.3: 1,3,5,7,11,17,21;
20 | 10/14 |
Lay, Ch. 6: Orthogonality, 6.4 |
6.4: Odds 1-13 ; |
21 | 10/16 |
Lay, Ch. 6: Orthogonality, 6.5 |
6.5: 1,3,7,13,15,17
22 | 10/18 |
Lay, Ch. 6: Orthogonality, 6.6 |
6.6: 1,3,7,13,15;
23 | 10/21 |
Lay, Ch. 6: Orthogonality, 6.7 |
6.7: Odds 1-15,19,22,24;
24 | 10/23 |
Lay, Ch. 6: Orthogonality, 6.8 |
6.8: 1,2,3,4
25 | 10/25 |
Lay, Ch. 7: Symmetric matrices, 7.1-2 |
7.1: 7,11,13,17,22,24,32,33,34;
7.2: 5,9,19
26 | 10/28 |
NS&S, Ch.4 :Second order linear ODE, 4,1-2 |
4.1: 1,3,5,8,9,10;
4.2: Odds 1-17,26,30;
27 | 10/30 |
NS&S, Ch.4 :Second order linear ODE, 4,3-4 |
4.3: 1,3,9,11,17,33
4.4: Odds 1-17;
28 |
11/1 |
Review: Lay, Ch. 5-6-7 |
29 |
11/4 |
Midterm 2 |
30 | 11/6 |
NS&S, Ch.4 :Second order linear ODE, 4,5-6 |
4.5: Odds 1-17,26,30;
4.6: 1,3,9,11,15,20
31 | 11/8 |
NS&S, Ch.4:Second order linear ODE, 4.7-8 |
4.7: 3,7,12,13;
4.8: 1,3,9,11;
32 | 11/13 |
NS&S, Ch.4,6:Second order linear ODE, 4.9, Higher order linear differential equations, 6.1-2 |
4.9: Odds 1-7;
6.1: 1,3,9,11,13,23,27;
6.2: Odds 1-17,19,25;
33 | 11/15 |
NS&S, Ch.9:Systems of Linear ODE,9.1, 9.4 |
9.1: 3,11;
9.4: 1,3,9,11,17,21,25,27;
34 |
11/18 |
NS&S, Ch. 9: Systems of linear ODE, 9.5-6 |
9.5: Odds 13-21,31,33,35;
9.6: 1,3,9,11,17,19;
35 |
11/20 |
NS&S, Ch. 9: Systems of linear ODE, 9.7-8 |
3,5,10,13,15,27; 9.8:1,3,5,7
36 |
11/22 |
NS&S, Ch. 10: Fourier series PDE, 10.1-2 |
37 | 11/25 |
NS&S, Ch. 10:Fourier series PDE, 10. 3-4 | 10.3: Odds 1-11,17,19,26,27,31 10.4: Odds 1-13,18; |
38 | 11/27 |
NS&S, Ch. 10:Fourier series PDE, 10.5-6 |
10.5:Odds 1-9,13 10.6: Odds 1-5,13,15; |
39 | 11/29 |
Thanksgiving |
40 | 12/2 |
NS&S, Ch. 10:Fourier series PDE, 10.6-7 |
10.7:Odds 1-7 |
41 |
12/4 |
Review: Lay | |
42 |
12/6 |
Review: NS&S | |
-- | 12/20 |
Final Exam, 11.30am-2.30pm |
The material in this class is, for most students taking 54, the bread and butter for many other classes to come later. The real physical/biological world is mostly governed by non-linear phenomena, and in this class we will ONLY cover an approximation to the real thing, namely linear equations and linear differential equations. We will cover many topics in a few weeks and the rhythm will be VERY DEMANDING. Some of you may find the first few weeks rather easy and may be tempted to drop the ball. BAD IDEA. A few lectures later you will find yourselves totally lost. Stay focused from day one, and make sure that you get a high mark in this class.