Recent preprints:
The condenser quasicentral modulus. arXiv:2109.07633v5 [math.FA], 2022
Capacity and the quasicentral modulus. arXiv:2107.11924 [math.FA], 2021
Miscellaneous on Commutants mod Normed Ideals and Quasicentral Modulus I. arXiv:2008.06990 [math.FA math.KT math.OA ], 2020
The Formula for the Quasicentral Modulus in the Case of Spectral Measures on Fractals.
arXiv:2006.14456 [math.FA], 2020
Some Results and a K-theory Problem about Threshold Commutants mod Normed Ideals . arXiv:1911.07377 [math.FA], 2019
A Hydrodynamic Exercise in Free Probability: Setting up Free Euler Equations. arXiv:1902.02442 [math.OA], 2018
A few older research papers which may not be easy to find:
A non-commutative Weyl-von Neumann theorem. Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures et Appl. 21 (1976), pp. 97–113.
Sur les representations factorielles finies de U(∞) et autres groupes semblables. Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris 279 (1974), pp.945–946
Exact sequences for K-groups and Ext-groups of certain cross-product C∗-algebras. by Pimsner, M.; Voiculescu, D., J. Operator Theory 4 (1980), no. 1, 93–118.
Imbedding the irrational rotation C∗-algebra into an AF-algebra. by Pimsner, M.; Voiculescu, D., J. Operator Theory 4 (1980), no. 2, 201–210.
K-groups of reduced crossed products by free groups. by Pimsner, M.; Voiculescu, D, J. Operator Theory 8 (1982), no. 1, 131–156.
Operations on certain non-commutative operator-valued random variables. (1992 preprint, CPAM UC Berkeley) Published in “Recent Advances in Operator Algebras”, Asterisque 232 (1995), pp.243–275
Circular and semicircular systems and free product factors. In Operator Algebras, Unitary Representations, Enveloping Algebras (Birkhauser, 1990), pp.45–60.
A few surveys:
Commutants mod Normed Ideals. arXiv:1810.12497 [math.OA], 2018
The bi-free extension of free probability. In Mathematical analysis, probability and applications– plenary lectures, pp. 217–233, Springer Proc. Math. Stat., 177, Springer, [Cham], 2016.
Free probability theory: random matrices and von Neumann algebras. In
Proceedings International Congress of Mathematicians, Zurich 1994 (Birkhauser, Boston, 1995), pp.227–241.
Hilbert space operators modulo normed ideals. In Proceedings International Congress of Mathematicians, Warsaw, 1983, pp.1041-1047