MATH 249 – Algebraic combinatorics, Spring 2020
Class times: Tues/Thurs 11-12:30pm, Zoom.
Office hours: TBD, Zoom.
Instructor: Sylvie Corteel
e-mail: lastname at berkeley dot edu
Course homepage:
Office: 933 Evans
Textbook: The art of counting by Bruce Sagan
PDFFurther reading: Enumerative Combinatorics 1 and 2, by Stanley. Algebraic combinatorics by Stanley. The symmetric group by Bruce Sagan. Young tableaux by Fulton.
Prerequisites: Math 55, 110, 113, 172
Grading: Homework
– 50%, Final exam 50% (take home exam)
Homework Policies: Homework will typically be assigned every other week and collected the following at the beginning of the class. No homework will be accepted after class for any reason. You may work together on homework problems, but your solutions should be written up independently and answers must be given in understandable form.
Special accommodations: In case of disability, extracurricular activities, or religious holidays, please follow official university procedure.