CJ Dowd's Website

Department of Mathematics
Evans 1066
UC Berkeley
Email: cjdowd at math dot berkeley dot edu

I am a second year mathematics PhD student at UC Berkeley. I am primarily interested in number theory, especially algebraic number theory, arithmetic geometry, and the theory of automorphic forms and representations. My advisor is Professor Sug Woo Shin. I passed my qualifying exam on August 22nd, 2023; here is my syllabus. If you are one of my students, you can find section resources under the teaching section below. Here is my resume.

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I participate in the following seminars. The listed talks are talks I have given or will give in the near future.

Conferences, Workshops, and Symposia

I have attended or helped organize the following events.

Lecture notes

Published with permission from the instructor.

Other notes

As I read new papers and texts, I like to write up my notes and publish them as an exercise for my own comprehension.


Other things not related to my PhD studies, just for fun