A young nun was told by the Abbot:
"Consider the goat and the rabbit.
While they roll in the hay
You just stay home and pray.
You've got to get out of that habit."


The sadists of \alpha Centauri
Have a pleasure exceedingly gory.
It involves a time slip
And a neuronic whip --  
Not your typical Asimov story.


Two bright boffins named Watson and Crick
Puzzled out what makes DNA tick.
It's just like spiral stairs
With the bases in pairs:
How on earth did God think of that trick?


Said a young man named A. Grothendieck:
"At geometry I'm rather weak.
I'm no Altschiller-Court
It's just not my {\it forte},
So I'd best make it more {\it algebrique}."


A dissolute Fellow of Caius
Contracted a social disaius.
Now, from St. John's to Cholmondeley
He twinges and glolmondeley
Turns purple whenever he paius.


X^n + Y^n = Z^n

A challenge for many long ages
Had baffled the savants and sages
But at last came the light:
Seems old Fermat was right--
To the margin add 200 pages.


An Irishman known as Molloy
Said, ``Everyone thinks I'm a goy.
But in fact it's not true,
For I'm really a Jew--
And what's more I'm a girl, not a boy.

A poet named Sylvia Plath
Lived her life in a jar made of glath.
She's not perfect, it seems;
Her dead Dad haunts her dreams--
And her exit is really a gath.

Berkeley (Academical)

Our Department they say is the best --
We pass every A.C.E. test.
There ain't none of us lazy,
We publish like crazy--
So how come I'm getting depressed?

"It's Hereditary, See?"

Bipolar affective disorder
Is an excuse that just won't hold water.
And as your moods swing,
Though you sob or you sing,
You must curse your great-grandfather's daughter.


In the darkness of deepest Khartoum
Lives a carpetmaker in his room.
His designs are quite fey
(I suspect the man's gay)--
People call him the fruit of the loom.


You're a gnarled and sardonic old man.
Yes, this too is a part of God's plan.
And if you think that you know
Where you're going to go--
You can wipe that smirk right off your pan.


A philosopher named Samuel Schnott
Thought he'd proved there exists Lieber Gott:
For such was Schnott's girth 
He'd the shape of the Earth.
Coincidence? Most surely not.







                          -- John Cage (1993)


In Moskva, the parliament -- Duma--
Was swept by a very strange ruma:
All the money that's gone
In this slightly pink dawn
Is hidden in Lenin's old tomb-a.


There once was a woman so avid,
To make love was always her habid.
Though her husband's a goon
She likes so much to spoon:
Perhaps that's the reason she's gravid.


A man with a face like a ferret
Has only this redeeming merit:
Though his teeth are quite pointed
And his eyes are disjointed,
His skull is as thick as a turret.


A crusty curmudgeon called Mort
Emitted an insolent snort.
And he said, in a flash,
``You belong in the trash!
Too bad your mom didn't abort."


A judge known as Sandra O'Connor,
A woman of learning and honor,
Once roused Warren Burger
To such passionate turgor
That Justice descended upon her.


The world's shortest limerick:

There once was a fellow named Chuck--
But I need say no more.


Said an orthodox Hebrew named Rafe,
``I think that this restaurant's unsafe.
The plates are so greasy
That I'm feeling queasy
And half of the menu is traif."


A desperate fellow named Fitt
Went into the gent's room to sit.
But his squirms in the stall
produced nothing at all --
Except for this fragment of wit.
(Background: John von Neumann tried to discourage
Alfred Haar from seeking "Haar measure" on the grounds
that no such thing could possibly exist.)

Said a mathematician named Haar,
"Von Neumann can't see very far.
He missed a great treasure --
They call it Haar measure --
Poor Johnny's just not up to par."


That master of math, Leonhard Euler,
Fell into a steaming hot boiler.
But he didn't panic --
It's hydrodynamic --
The curl of div saved the great toiler.


The NAME in Vain

Said that Being that we know as Yahweh,
"I've great but not infinite po-weh.
But (I speak not in jest)
This world's only a test --
And the final's in less than an hou-weh."


A Rabbi, so pious and plain,
Found Kashrut was sometimes a strain.
So away he would steal
For a big Chinese meal:
"Well, `tis just for the veggie chow mein."


Said Dodgson, "Farewell, Alice Liddell.
Through logic I'll solve my life's riddle.
Stay pure and unharried
And never get married:
The law of the excluded middle."

There was a smart fellow named Gauss
Whose wife threw him out of the house.
"Damn, you only do math,
You will not take a bath,
And I don't want to see you, you louse!"
