Course Announcement Math 191 Course Announcement
UC Berkeley, Spring Semester 1999

Math 16A: Analytic Geometry and Calculus

Instructor: Bernd Sturmfels (bernd@math, Evans 701)

Time: Tuesday and Thursday, 9:30 - 11:00 am
Place: F295 Haas

Prerequisite: Three years of high school mathematics (see the General Catalog for details)

Text book: Applied Calculus: for business, social sciences and life sciences, D. Hughes-Hallett, Wiley, 1996
In addition to the textbook, you will need a graphing calculator that can compute integrals. If you don't have one, you should buy a TI-85 or HP-48G.

Contents: Calculus of one variable; derivatives, definite integrals and applications, maxima and minima, and applications of the exponential and logarithmic functions.

Click here for a detailed course syllabus including all homework problems

The textbook covers the subject in detail, so I expect students to prepare for each lecture by reading the assigned sections in advance. In lecture, I will outline what is important, give my own perspective on some topics, do some examples, and answer questions. I encourage participation by the class, even in this large lecture course, by having students work out problems during the lecture itself, and calling on members of the class for answers (or questions).

Grading: The grade is based on the final exam (45 %), two midterms (20 % each) and homework/quizzes (15 %).